UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 934]

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Baker, J. G., appointment, 641, 746 Baker, L. J., degree, 235 Baker, Marguerite W., degree, 24s Baker, Mrs. Mildred B., appointment, 690 declination, 913 See also Broom, Mildred. Baker, N. L., degree, 383 Baker, R. H., appointment, 106, 284, 558, 676 Baker, R. J., degree, 243 Baker, T. M., degree, 241 Baker, W. J., declination, 201 fellowship, 197 Bakke, M. Evelyn, appointment, 463, 691 degree, 251 Balamuth, W., declination, 201 scholarship, 198 Balances, unexpended, reappropriation, 207, 359, 77* Balaty, V. F., degree, 436 Bald, I. J., appointment, 13, 107 degree, 543 Balding, B. N., degree, 34 Baldridge, I. S-, contract for instruction of, 152, 458 Balduf, W. V., appointment, 107, 288, 681 Baldwin, E. C, appointment, 287, 679 leave of absence, 53s Baldwin, J. H., degree, 240 Baldwin, K. G., degree, 414 Baldwin, T. W., appointment, 287, 679 Ball, Bessie M., appointment, 13, 315 declination, 415 Ball, G. V., degree, 902 Ball, R. L., Jr., degree, 236 Ball, R. T., degree, 37 Ballard, E. G., appointment, 385, 463, 522, 680 degree, 233 Ball diamonds, Chicago departments, appropriation, 779 Ballin, M., degree, 98 Balseiro, J. A., appointment, 292, 685 leave of absence, 20, 361 Balz, A. G. A., appointment, 105, 107, 155 Bambas, Virginia G., degree, 903 Bamberger, A., appointment, 340, 91s Bancroft, H. W., degree, 249 Bands, See Military Bands. Bane, J. Lita, appointment, 786 Bankhead-Jones Extension Fund, budget, expense, 700 revision, 784 salary, 397, 720 estimated income, 662 use, 557 Bankhead-Jones Research Fund, additional, 403i 5°9 budget, expense, 700 revision, 783 salary, 470, 715 estimated income, 662 regional research laboratories, 404 use, 557 Banks, G. F., degree, 900 Banoff, H., degree, 236 Baratz, J. J., appointment, 376, 761 Barbakoff, A., degree, 252 Barber, Mrs. Mildred C, appointment, 327, Barbian, J., loan canceled, 371 Barclay, W. F., degree, 892 Bard, A. O., degree, 893 Bard, E., degree, 521 Bard, F. M., x-ray spectrograph purchased, Bard, G. W., degree, 521 Barker, Geneva L., degree, 414 Barker, Margaret J., degree, 893 Barker, Winnifred M., degree, 893 Barksdale, N. P., degree, 54 Barlow, Henrietta E., degree, 236

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Barlow, R. R., appointment, n o , 294, 561, 687 leave of absence, 206 Barnard, G. C, degree, 898 Barnes, B. A., degree, 897 Barnes, E. J., degree, 546 Barnes, F. C, degree, 236 Barnes, G. D., degree, 893 Barnes, H. O., degree, 900 Barnes, Lillie L., degree, 134 Barnes, Vera F-, appointment, 74, 336 resignation, 641 Barnes, W. F-, Jr., degree, 243 Barnett, H., degree, 909 Barnett, Julia E., degree, 251 Barnofsky, I., degree, 137 Barns, Florida Avenue, removal, 61, 91 horticulture, appropriation, 104 bids rejected, 169 insurance, 521 plans, 169 Baron, F. M., degree, 248 Barr, G. A., director of University of Illinois Foundation, 441 member of committees, 70, 73, 140, 147, 154, 555 Barr, T., degree, 437 Barr, R. A., degree, 435 Barre, Sister M. Virginie, appointment, 570 Barrett, E. E., director of University of Illinois Foundation, 441 member of committees, 60, 70, 73, 140, 146, 147, 154, 380, 452, 496, 554, 555 Barrett, Harriett L., degree, 239 Barrett, J. F-, appointment, 289, 681 degree, 235 resignation, 913 Barrick, C. R., degree, 243 Barrick, P. L., degree, 136 Barrick, Robert G., degree, 236 Barrick, Roy G., appointment, 372, 757 Barrick, W. H., degree, 893 Barron, B. A., certificate, revocation, 182, Bartels, Charlotte A., degree, 898 Bartelsmeyer, C. F., degree, 57 Barth, J. H., degree, 241 Barth, S., degree, 236 Barthel, Verne B., appointment, 340, 737 Bartholomew, H., appointment, 327, 725 Bartlett, Alice, appointment, 338, 735 Bartlett, Helen L., degree, 236 Bartlett, J. H., Jr., appointment, 304, 696 leave of absence, 535 Bartlett, Marian O., degree, 906 Bartlett, R. W., appointment, 311, 320, 704, 714 Barto, Harriet T., appointment, 109, 316, 710 sick leave, 631 Barton, H. M., degree, 545 Bartow, Virginia, appointment, 285, 677 Bartrum, R. J., resignation, 44 Bartz, Q. R., degree, 133 Barys, H. J., certificate, 253 degree, 252 Barzan, Louise M., degree, 903 Baseball net, Armory, assignment of funds, 488 Bash, C. R., degree, 240 Bashor, N. P., degree, 900 Baskin, L. S., degree, 34 Baskin, Opal A., degree, 546 Batchelor, H. W., appointment, 39, 198, 348. 746 Bates, Margaret E., degree, 249 Bates, Margaret M., appointment, 350, 747 Bates, Nellie, appointment, 570 Bates, W. R., degree, 250 Battey, F. T., degree, 243 Battey, Marjorie E., degree, 902 Bauer, Alice E., degree, 896