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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

926 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Agriculture, College of, cont'd. degrees conferred, list, 57, 138, 245, 43^ 546, 502 summary, 230, 886 equipment, appropriation, 613 balance reappropriated, 776 funds, summary, 308, ?oi Federal, reappropriation, 453 sales and services, estimated income, 270 662 scale house, bids, 613, 784 C0St5, 784 scholarships, Chicago Board of Trade, budget, 355, 752 gift, 31 committee, 148 regulations, n o , 147, 164 soybean research laboratory, application, 404, 532 establishment, agreement, 632 Agriculture Committee, members, 147, 555 Agronomy, advisory committee, 50, 472 budget, expense, 307, 700 revision, 398, 470, 783 salary, 312, 319, 322, 706, 713, 7*5, 717. 721 adjustment, 509 experimental field near DeKalb, lease, 493 fellows and scholars, list, 196, 639 laboratory fees, 226, 76$ purchases, soil maps, 170, 176, 223 x-ray equipment, 492 Ahlering, Dorothy E„ degree, 246 Ahlf, Juanita E., degree, 246 Ahlin, Constance K., appointment, 38 resignation, 98 Ahrens, E. A., appointment, 203, 686 Air compressor, portable, purchase, 366 Air conditioning, equipment, purchase, 634, 648 investigation, 24, 440, 481 Aitchison, R. S., degree, 907 Akemann, E, W., degree, 898 Aksoy, I. S., degree, 891 Alban, A. L., appointment, 67, 344, 74i Albaum, J., degree, 521 Albers, E. A., degree, 383 Alberts, J. O., degree, 234 Albig, J. W., appointment, 108, 293, 685 leave of absence, 206 Albrecht, H. J., degree, 53 Alee, A. S., Company, apparatus purchased, 28 Alcohol, non-beverage, licenses, 22 Aldrich, Maurine J. F., degree, 903 Aleks, V. P., degree, 905 Alenduff, H. W., certificate, 789 Alessi, N. P., degree, 900 Alexander, Elberta J., degree, 246 Alexander, Florence, appointment, 286, 679 Alexander, J., appointment, 292, 685 Alexander, L. L., appointment, 285 degree, 887 Alexander, M. H., degree, 235 Alexander, Martha S-, appointment, 38, 294, 687, 914 Alexander, W. H., degree, 893 Alexander Lumber Company, lumber purchased, 794 Alexopoulos, C. J., appointment, 38, 106 Alfora, Mary B., degree, 56 Alion, J. J., degree, 438 Alison, L. C. W., degree, 35 AH Direct Service Company, casing purchased, 457 Allegra, Annetta R., appointment, 914 Alleman, N. J., appointment, 306, 699 Allen, Betty C., degree, 893 Allen, C. L., appointment, 294, 687 leave of absence, 535 Allen, E. E., degree, 897 Allen, G. W., degree, 236 Allen, H. K., appointment, 297 decree, 887 resignation, 463 Agreements, cont'd. regulations, 590 reinforced concrete slabs, 763 rigid frame structures, 113, 152. 565 serum proteins, 82 skin, antiseptic properties, 461, 884 hygiene, 82, 884 stack gases, 113, 764 steel columns, 24, 52 stresses on riveted connections, 23, 82, 512, 566 summer cooling, 884 tetanus antitoxin. 82 tomatoes, 184. 368, 633, 878 vascular diseases, 884 ventilating, 24, 366 viosterol influence on phosphate metabolism, 82 yeast in digestive tract, 72 See also Contracts. Agricultural Economics, advisory committee, 50* 473 budget, expense, 307, 700 revision, 397, 398, 783 salary, 310, 320, 322, 324, 703, 714, 717, 720, 720 expendable gift funds, 309 laboratory fees, 226, 765 Agricultural Education, budget, expense, 297. 690 salary, 209, 692 Agricultural Engineering, advisory committee, 50, 472 budget, expense, 307, 700 revision, 398, 470, 783 salary, 312, 322, 705* 7*5» 7*7, 721 laboratory fees, 226, 765 Agricultural Experiment Station, administration, balance reappropriated, 359 advisory committee, 50, 472 budget, resources, 308, 701 revision, 21 salary, 309. 702 summary, 307, 700 calves, purchase, 83, 407 Cook County, State appropriation, 266 Dixon Springs, agreement, 4 equipment, appropriation, 613 funds, summary, 3o8,_ 701 investigations, fungicides in plant diseases, 364 gelatine in manufacture of ice cream, 365 phosphorus in soils, 533 lease of land, regulations, 596 publications, appropriation, 40 reconsidered, 60 paper, purchase, 216, 770 soil erosion, lease of land, 23 soybean research laboratory, application, 404, 532 establishment, agreement, 632 Agricultural Extension Service, automobiles, purchase, 770, 796 budget, expense, 307, 700 revision, 396 salary, 309, 702 funds, summary, 308, 701 paper, purchase, 796 phosphate demonstrations, 533 revolving fund, 307, 700 balance reappropriated, 207, 776 Agricultural industrial research, balance reappropriated, 208, 776 Agriculture, College of, advisory committees, 49, 472 statutes, 592 budget, resources, 308, 701 revision, 396, 783 salary, 309, 702 summary, 307, 700 buildings, balance reappropriated, 777 Dairy Commission, reports, 219, 370, 440, 478
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