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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Mien, Hazel, appointment, 303, 696 Allen, J. T., degree, 249 Allen, Kathryn L, appointment, 292, 685 Mien, Louise, degree, 437 Allen, R-, Jr., member of advisory committee, 50. 473 Allen, R- E., appointment, 288, 914 declination, 415 Allen, Rosemary, degree, 246 Allen, W. C, degree, 241 Allen, W. H., degree, 893 Allender, Christia, appointment, 914 Allergy, investigation, 884 Allerton, R„ gift, 186, 636 . AHerton American Traveling Scholarships, fund, budget, 355, 752 gift for continuation, 186, 636 Alley, E., appointment, 141. 570 Allgaier, E., appointment, 417, 684 Allison, C- W-, appointment, 67, 141* 4*7* 5?o Allison, L., degree, 241 Allison, L. E., appointment, 313, 319, 707, 7*3 Allison, O. W., degree, 893 Allison, P. E., degree, 898 Allyn, R., degree, 236 Almen, Anna K., von, degree, 547 Almendras, C. M., degree, 240 Almquist, C. O. GM appointment, 377, 762 Almy, G. M-, appointment, 108, 304, 696 leave of absence, 535 Almy, Jean B., degree, 236 Alorco cryolite, investigation, 878 Alp, H. H., appointment, 314, 322, 708, 717 Alpern, E. W., degree, 911 Alpers, Mrs. Elsie B., appointment, 301, 694 Alpha Coal & Materials Co., cement purchased, 51 Alseth, Hilda T., appointment, 349, 747 Alsip, Janet, declination, 773 scholarship, 639 Alsterlund, J. F., appointment, 256, 310, 703* 914 Alston, B. B. t degree, 236 Alstrom, W. O., appointment, 39, 299, 692 Alt, Beulah B., degree, 248 Alt, W. S-, Co., bid, 786 Altier, P. A., degree, 437 Altman, H. P., Jr., certificate, 910 Altman, R. S., degree, 37 Aluminum Research Laboratories, agreement, 633 contract, 878 Alumni Association, branch office, Chicago departments, 536 members elected to University of Illinois Foundation Board of Directors, 441 President, director of University of Illinois Foundation, 44 2 Alumni Association, Student, gift, 381 Alumni Committee, members, 147, 555 Alumni Foundation, See University of Illinois Foundation. Alumni Fund Board, assets transferred to University of Illinois Foundation, 442 change in name, 122 Alumni Records, budget, expense, 275, 667 salary, 281, 673 Alvarez, R. S., degree, 251 Alyea, L. F., degree, 241 Alyea, P. E., appointment, 39 Ambrose, W., degree, 239, 892 fellowship, 640 Ambrosius, E. E., appointment, 303J 695 Amelotti, E., appointment, 463 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Association for Advancement of Science, gift, 133 American Automatic Electric Sales Company, bid, 511 contract, 512, 635 American Bank Note Co., bid, 97 927 American Can Company, agreement, 793 contract, 541 American Cast Iron Pipe Company, pipe purchased, 28 American citizenship essay contest, request for scholarships, 223 American Council of Learned Societies, gift, American Council on Education, Financial Advisory Service, appointment of chief consultant, 473 American District Steam Company, meters purchased, 796 American Dry Milk Institute, Inc., agreement, 4, 29, 366, 368, 512, 540, 794 gift, 224 American Federation of Utility Investors, Inc., safeguard investments, 154 American Founders Corporation, merger, 491 American Genera] Corporation, stock, Babcock endowment fund, 492 American Legion Auxiliary, gift, 461 American Medical Association, Committee on Scientific Research, gift, 883 Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, gift, 82 American Otological Society, gift, 52, 224 American Pharmaceutical Association, research assistantships, 494 American Philosophical Society, gift, 883 American Poultry Industries, agreement, 366 American Railway Association, agreement, 512 American Royal Live Stock Show Scholarship, fund, budget, 355 American Smelting and Refining Company, bonds purchased, 32, 60 American Society for Hard of Hearing, gift, American Society for Testing Materials, agreement, 407, 480 American Society of Civil Engineers, gift, 82 American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, agreement, 24, 366, 440, 481 Ames, A. C, scholarship, 639 Ames, G. C., degree, 236 Ames, K. L., present at meeting, 87, 93 Amiel, J, H., appointment, 108, 292, 685 Amino acids, gift for research, 31, 216, 636 investigation, budget, 283, 67S Amling, 0., member of advisory committee, 50 Ammann, J. F., member of advisory committee, 50, 472 Ammon, Menzie, degree, 245 Ammon, R. N., degree, 902 Ammonium salts, action in molten state, discovery released, 406 Amtman, L. E., appointment, 374* 759 Anaesthesia, budget, expense, 333, 730 salary, 334, 732 Anaesthetics, local, patents released, 12 Anatomy, budget, expense, 333, 730 salary, 334, 732 clinical faculty, 372, 757 special course, authorized, 567 fee, exemption, 567 Anders, P., appointment, 285, 677 Andersen, A., survey of budget, 150 bill, 175 payment, 210 report, 158 total expenses, 214 Andersen, A., & Co., employed as auditors, 32» 45i report, 59, 463 Athletic Association, 59 Andersen, G. C-, certificate, 58 degree, 3S3 Andersen, H. L., degree, 236 Anderson, A. G., appointment, 295, 559, 688 Anderson, A. J., degree, 137 Anderson, A. Marie, appointment, 327, 724 521 A 541
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