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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

576 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March io directors of schools, the Director of the Library, the Director of University Extension, the Director of the Bureau of Institutional Research, the Deans of Men and Women, the Commandant, the Registrar, the Director of the University Press, the High School Visitor, the acting chairman or acting head of each department, the Director of the Physical Plant Department, the University Counsel, and the Comptroller. Members of the teaching and research staffs who have been retired shall be entitled to the privileges of the floor at all meetings of their faculties and of the Senate, if they were members of the Senate before retirement, but shall not be entitled to vote. (b) T h e Senate shall exercise legislative functions touching the educational policy of the University and shall make such rules and regulations as it may deem desirable to promote the educational interests of the University. (c) Requirements for admission to the University and to the several colleges and schools, general requirements for degrees and certificates, questions of general educational policy, relations between colleges or schools, changes in the amount, character, or quality of work required for admission to the colleges or schools, and changes in the total number of hours required for degrees or certificates shall be determined by the Senate and shall take effect on approval by the Board of Trustees. Neither the powers conferred on the Senate by this section nor the powers conferred by Section '5 (b) shall extend to matters of which the college is given jurisdiction by Section 7 ( c ) . (d) T h e Senate shall elect a committee on student discipline which shall appoint one or more sub-committees with original jurisdiction to hear and render decisions in all disciplinary cases except that students registered in the Graduate School shall be subject to discipline by the Dean of that School. T h e Committee on Student Discipline shall hear and take action for the Senate in cases appealed to it from its sub-committees, and it shall organize other general methods of procedure subject to the approval of the Senate. ( e ) T h e Senate shall recommend candidates for diplomas, degrees, and certificates, which shall be conferred by the President under the authority of the Board of Trustees. (f) No new line of work involving questions of general educational policy shall be established except on recommendation of the Senate. ( g ) T h e Senate may propose amendments to the statutes of the University through the President to the Board of Trustees. ( h ) T h e Senate shall elect annually by ballot at the April meeting from its own membership a Committee on Committees consisting of five persons. Not more than one member of this Committee shall be from the same college or school. After nominations made by this Committee in consultation with the President, the Senate shall elect committees on educational policy, the Library, athletics, student discipline, and such other standing committees as the Senate may from time to time authorize. Membership on these committees is open to the general faculty. Committees for special purposes may be selected by the Senate in whatever manner it may see fit. THE COUNCIL 6. (a) The Council shall consist of the President, the Provost and the general administrative officers provided for in Section 3, the Dean of the Graduate School, the deans of the colleges, the directors of independently organized schools, the Director of the Library, and three members chosen by ballot from and by the membership of the Senate. (b) T h e Council shall act in the capacity of adviser to the President and it shall meet on his call. It shall not exercise legislative functions. T h e President shall secure the general recommendations of the Council, assisted by the Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant Department, before preparing the annual and biennial budgets. T H E COLLEGE 7. ( a ) T h e college is the largest educational and administrative group. It shall comprise > those departments or interests which are best served by their inclusion within it.
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