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I936l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 575 UNIVERSITY STATUTES ADOPTED MARCH IO, 1936 (See Minutes, page 565) FUNCTIONS OF THE TRUSTEES 1. T h e functions of the Trustees are legislative and not executive. T h e Board is to secure, as far as possible, the needed revenues for the University and is to determine the ways in which university funds shall be applied. It is to map out university policy, but it must, of necessity, leave the execution of that policy to its executive agents. Such agents must be capable, and, within the general line of policy laid down by the Board, they should not be interfered with. T H E PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY 2. T h e President shall be the chief executive officer of the University and a member of the faculty of each college and school therein. He shall be elected by the Board of Trustees and his term of office shall be at the pleasure of the Board. T h e President shall attend the meetings of the Board and participate in its deliberations. He may act with freedom within the lines of general policy approved by the Board on his recommendation, but in any particular matter on which the Board has passed he shall follow the specific action taken. W i t h the advice of the Council, he shall prepare the annual and biennial budgets for presentation to the Board of Trustees. He shall recommend to the Board suitable persons for positions in the University, and in case of exigency he may make appointments so that the work of the University shall not be interrupted, but such appointments shall be subject to confirmation by the Board. T h e President shall be responsible for the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the University. He shall make such recommendations to the Board and the Senate as he may deem desirable for the proper conduct and development of the work of the University. He shall be the presiding officer of the Senate. He shall issue diplomas conferring degrees, but this shall be done only on the recommendation of the Senate and by authority of the Board of Trustees. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS 3. ( a ) One or more general administrative officers may be appointed by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the President of the University, to assist the President in such matters as he may designate. (b) T h e Provost, or such general administrative officer as may be designated by the Board of Trustees, shall exercise the functions of the President in his absence, and shall at all times be of such assistance to the President as he can by the exercise of such functions as the latter may delegate to him. (c) In the absence from duty of the President of the University and of the Provost, the senior college dean shall act as President in the interim or until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. R U L E S OF PROCEDURE 4. T h e usual rules of parliamentary procedure shall govern those divisions organized as deliberative bodies. T H E SENATE 5- ( a ) T h e Senate shall consist of the full professors of the University, the President, the Provost and the general administrative officers provided for m Section 3, the Dean of the Graduate School, the deans of the colleges, the