Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

204 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT WILLARD fjune 15 The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. RESIGNATION OF ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR M. S. McDOUGAL ( i ) A report that Associate Professor M. S. McDougal of the College of L a w has resigned his position to accept an appointment on the Yale Law School faculty. T h i s report w a s received for record. RETIREMENT OF DR. CHARLES E. HUMISTON (2) A request from Dr. Charles E. Humiston, Professor of Surgery on the Clinical Faculty in the College of Medicine, who will reach the retiring age in March, 1936, that he be retired from active service, effective May 15, 1935. Doctor Humiston has been on the faculty for the past thirty-three years and asks to be relieved of services at this time because he is engaged in numerous educational and administrative activities of such organizations as the American Medical Association in addition to his surgical practice. I recommend that Doctor Humiston be retired effective May 15, 1935, with the rank of Professor of Surgery, Emeritus. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this recommendation was approved. APPOINTMENT OF EDWARD BYERS WILCOX TO BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN ACCOUNTANCY (3) A recommendation that Mr. Edward Byers Wilcox, C.P.A., partner in the firm of Edward E. Gore and Company, be appointed to the Board of Examiners in Accountancy for a term of three years, beginning July I, 1935, vice Mr. E. B. McGuinn, whose term expires on that date. On motion of Mr. Barr, this recommendation was concurred in. At this point, Mr. Mayer took his place with the Board. COLLEGE OF COMMERCE A N D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ADVISORY COMMITTEES (4) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration for the authorization of advisory committees to serve in an advisory capacity to the faculty. Similar committees are appointed each year for the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station. T h e plan would involve no expense and would provide excellent contacts and valuable suggestions for the faculty. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this recommendation was concurred in. C U R R I C U L U M IN ART EDUCATION (5) A recommendation from the University Senate that the following Curriculum in Art Education, requiring 130 semester hours for graduation, be established. T h e first two years of this curriculum are identical with the Curriculum in Painting. T h e degree granted will be Bachelor of Fine A r t s in Art Education. Only one additional course is involved. First Year F I R S T SEMESTER HOURS SECOND SEMESTER HOURS Art 25a, Drawing & Anatomy. .. . 4 Arch. 71a, Elem. of Arch 3 Rhetoric 1 3 Language 4 Hygiene 2 Physical Education y£-i Military 1 Total 17-17^ Art 25b, Drawing & Anatomy Arch. 72a, Elem. of Arch Rhetoric 2 Language Art 50, Modeling Physical Education Military Total 4 3 3 4 2 %-\ 1 17-17K