UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 1001]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Resignations, cont'd. Wucher, Virginia, 258 Wutzke, Mrs. Gertrude, 99 See also Cancellations and Declinations. Retherford, R. C, appointment, 304, 697 degree, 244 Retirements, Aden, H., 360 Anderson, Anna, 754 Butler, T., 395 Clark, B., 754 Ernest, J. H., 754 Faust, M. T., 360 Gault, F. W., 395 Green, F., 754 Hansen, Hilda. 360 Humiston. C. E., 204 Janvrin, C. E., 754 Mead, F., 754 Moore, E. S., 360 regulations, 586 Rose, M. D., 754 Ryan, Mrs. Mary, 754 Smith, J. D., 754 Smith, W. J., 754 Snow, C. M., 754 Staehle, Mrs. Ida M., 631 Strom, G., 754 Vogele, A. C, 360 Williams. S. H., 360 Retiring allowances, financing, 122, 451, 538, 569 statutes, 585 Reu, M. T., degree, 242 Reuss, Dorothy M., appointment, 573, 745 Reuss, G. H., appointment, 100, 312, 320 resignation, 773 Revell, A. R., degree, 895 Revenues, See Funds. Revolving funds, budget, 275, 667 receipts, 364 Rew, C. L., degree, 232 Reyling, A. E., degree, S92 Reynolds, D. IT., appointment, 2S5, 386 degree, 887 Reynolds, Elenore M., degree, 247, 890 Reynolds, J. S., certificate, 253 Reynolds, J. T., appointment, 426, 498, 738 Reynolds, R. B., degree, 900 Reynolds Electric Company, gift, 494 Rezanka, W. H., degree, 899 Rezek, G. H., appointment, 426, 760 Rhea, H. E., degree, 244 Rhea, K., appointment, 101 certificate, 254 Rheingold, J. C., appointment, 85, 374, 762 Rhinology, See Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology. Rhoades, L. K., degree, 137 Rhoads, Merle M., appointment, 276, 669authority to sign name of President of Board, 23, 147 Rhode, C. S-, appointment, 315, 322, 709, 7*7 Rhodes, H. D., appointment, 677 Rice, A. L., degree, 899 Rice, Alice C, degree, 896 Rice, C. D., degree, 895 Rice, E. E., appointment, 426, 678 degree, 891 Rice, Hazel E., scholarship, 639 Rice, L. G., degree, 903 Rice, Mary L., scholarship, 771 Rice Miller Coal Corp., bid, 51 Ricewasser, H-, degree, 909 Richardi, E., degree, 13S Richards, Barbara L., degree, 414 Richards, Mrs. Calla B., appointment, 277, 669 Richards, Elizabeth A., degree, 906 Richards, J. E., contract for instruction of, 458 degree, 238 Rfchart, F. E., appointment, 305, 698 director of Athletic Association, 789

Resignations, cont'd. Lytle, E. B-, 258 McClurg, Lola D., 85 McComb, R. W., 525 McDougal, M. S., 204 McGaughey, Dorothy, 773 McGovran, E. R., 416 Mann, Mary A., 384 Maynard, G. R., 574 Mertz, E. T., 463 Meyer, Mrs. Clara R.f 416 Meyer, Mrs. Cleo M., 85 Michael, Viola M., 773 Mockler, L., 66 Neville, R. P., 124 Newmark, Mrs. Anne C, 552 NicVell. Pauiena, 641 Nielson, Shirley E., 25S Noble, Mildred, 525 Northup, D. W., 416 Norton, L. J., 99 Oakley, Mrs. Louise G., 45 Olander, M. M., 99 Palmer, C. E., 384 Patterson, Katharine, 641 Peters, H. C, 4^3 Powell, A. L., 416 Pritikin, D., 525 procedure, 583, 588 Quin, J., 497 Quiscnberry, J. H., 552 Ramsey, R. J., 201 Reitsch, R., 384 Reuss, G. H., 773 Riebel, J. P., 416 Rosaaen, A. \V\, 416 Rozendal, Hendrine, 384 Ruby, J. C, 631 Ruch, F, L., 914 Sand, C. A., 914 Sandford, \V. P., 50 Segal, M. J., 552 Stlicovitz, Mrs. Fannie W., 384 Shannon, M. Eileen, 124 Sherwood, Mrs. Vera M., 45 Shrout, D. C.t 75 Shull, E. D., 66 Shumway, W., 773 Singleton, Mildred, 202 Sloan, H. J., 914 Smith, G. D. t 66 South, Mary ¥., 385 vSparks, Mrs. Meredith, 552 Sterrett, R. R., 552 Straw, T. C, 155 Sullivan, Mary M., 482 Suter, M., 641 Talbot, Adelaide R., 66 Terry, Henrietta, 45 Thorp, F., Jr., 482 Thrasher, I. I)., 202 Todd, Elizabeth, 45 Trimble, J. R., 773 Turrentine, F. R., 552 Van Doren, C. A., 416 Van Duyn, Mrs. Margaret S. ( 17 Vanneman, Mary E., 45 Vatter, W. J., 45 Wallace, Anne D., 914 Wallace, H. C, 202 Wardall, Ruth A., 653 Welchner, C. E,, 463 Wesley, Alice, 142 Wessmann, C, 155 Westergaard, H. M., 631, 773 Whalin, Mrs. Esther, 75 Wheeler, Suzanne K., 482 Whiteside, E. P., 416 Williams, L. F., 914 Wilson, Lenore, 914 Wolf, Mrs. Charlotte K., 552 Wolf, D. E., 463 Wright, Leslie, 85