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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Reinke, R. C, degree, 896 Reinking, L. A., degree, 546 Reinsch, R. L., degree, 904 Reisner, J. S.( alternate for Plym fellowship, 180 degree, 57 Reisner, Mary L. E., degree, 895 Reitsch, R., appointment, 105, 109 resignation, 384 Reitz, J. W., degree, 234 Reliable Coal Mining Co., bid, 408 Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, bid, 627, 785 contract, 628, 771 Reliable Sheet Metal Works, bid, 476 Remillard, Marguerite, contract for instruction of, 72, 458 Remington Rand, Inc., contract, 450 equipment purchased, 28, 171 Rempert, H. P., certificate, 20 Rempfer, Margaret, scholarship, 771 Rempfer, R. W., appointment, 921 fellowship, 197 Renaud, O. V., certificate, 910 Renfroe, E. W., appointment, 343, 740 Renshaw, Josephine, appointment, 331, 728 Renz, Marie E., degree, 896 Replogle, V. L., degree, 55 Reports, annual, procedure, 589 financial, preparation, 594 general, procedure, 589 quarterly, Comptroller's duties, 593 Repsis, A. C, degree, 243 Republic Steel Corporation, pipe purchased, Research, assistants, work schedule, 583 commercial tests, regulations, 592 eooperati'/e agreements, statutes, 590 Graduate School, balance reappropriated, 208 industrial agricultural, balance reappropriated, 208 See also Patents, Research and Educational Hospital, staff, exemption from fees, 567 telephone system, 178 Research funds, budget, Graduate School, 328, 726 Medicine, 333, 731 Research Laboratory and Library Building, animal hospital, alteration, contract, 30 painting, bids, 784 contract, 786 Research residence, summer cooling program, gift, 225 Residence, students, regulations for fees, amendment, 79 Residence halls, budget, expense, 351> 748, 752 salary, 354, 751 deposit fund, budget, 356, 753 laundry service, contract, 27, 456, 795 operation, statute, 595 painting and decorating, 215 reserve fund, adjustment, 455 steam line, appropriation, 49, 357 cost, 153 materials purchased, 51, 71, 72 Resignations, Ahlin, Constance K., 98 Allen, H. K., 463 Babcock, S. H., Jr., 524 Barnes, Vera, 64 1 Barrett, J. F., 913 Bartrum, R. J., 44 Bedinger, P. L., 9*3 Benninger, Reetha, 524 Bernier, J. L., 98 Blake, Evelyn A., 142 Blayney, J. R., 653 Boren, M. H., 524 Resignations, cont'd. Bo. th, Mrs. Dorothy B., 44 Bottomley, J. A., 773 Bradley, W. B., 142 Brown, Feme, 913 Brown, R. S., 257 Bruhn, Esther, 17 Bunting. Mary, 384 Burge, W. E., 789 Burnell, R. L., 773 Burroughs, Mrs. Reba S., 201 Byerley, J. R., 124 Cahn, A. R., 395 Calkins, A. E., 44 Cavanaugh, Marie E., 64 r Ciav, R. P., 463 Clifford, R., 201, 497 Cohen, Jeannette L,, 552 Colton, E. J., 124 Condo, F. E., 913 Cook, R. K.r 525 Coolidge, L. J., 201 Crum. Ruth, 98 Cunningham, Althea, 525 Davison, Dorothy, 415 Dawson, W. M., 773 Deatherage, F, E., Jr., 463 Doyle, Katherine, 17 Eck, J. C , 257 Eck, Mrs. Lois H., 201 Elmes, R. B., 154 English, W- J., 641 Fisher, R. H., 98 Fitz-Gerald, Linda, 257 Ford, J. H., 201 Forker, Mrs. Iva B., 257 Freer, Louise, 258 Fulton, J. M., 65 Cagnon, J. A., 2or Galvin, H. R., 75 Garrett, O. F., 482 Garrigus, W. P., 552 Gelwick, C. W., 44 Gibbs, C. F,, 124 Goodman, Catherine E., 258 Goodson, M. R., 45 Green, P. M., 98 Gress, Sara E., 482 Griswold, Beth, 525 Grubb, C. F., 641 Gulbrandsen, L. F., 552 Gulledge, J. R., 525 Hardgrove, M. A. F., 17 Hatch, Mary, 201 Hayden, Henrietta S., 415 Hems, A. E., 416 Hensel, Evelyn M., 20 r Herdman, A. W., 45 Hill, C, 552 Hoover, \V. F., 416 Hopkins, V. Helen, 463 Hubbard, A. F., 98 Hulburt, W. C, 525 Hurley, J. R., 416 Iben, I., 45 Immele, Mary S., 463 Inman, B. T., 65 Tames, S. L., 65 Johnson, E. G., 45 Kemmerer, K. S., 482 Kenney, R. T., 913 Kistler, S. S., 201, 384 Kleppe, Hedvig, 99 Koenigsberg, N. M., 773 Krase, N. W„ 574 Krogh, Elva L,, 574 Laffer, N. C, 463 Leonard, A. L., 416 Leonard, P. T. P., 124 Lohse, F., 45 Lowry, W. M., 17
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