UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 228]

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[June 6

SETTLEMENT FOR UNIVERSITY AUTOMOBILE (2) The University Counsel reports that the company which carried insurance on the car owned by Mr. James S. Huse of Iowa, who drove into the University's automobile on August 22, 1932, in which Messrs. S. E. Griffith and J . A. Morrow were riding, as a result of which Mr. Morrow was killed and the University car was completely wrecked, has offered ?200 in settlement of the claim for the destruction of the automobile. The car was a 1931 Chevrolet sedan which had been driven 31,801 miles. The book value of the car was $285. The Counsel recommends that, everything considered, the offer be accepted, because, if the Board is forced to sue in Sioux City, Iowa, it will cost more than can be recovered in excess of the amount offered.

On motion of Mr. Barr, this settlement was accepted.

T I T L E T O P E N N S Y L V A N I A (MAPLE) A V E N U E (3) On October 17, 1930 (Minutes, page 109), the Board instructed its Committee on Buildings and Grounds to have a survey made of the boundaries of the University property bordering on Pennsylvania, or Maple, Avenue. This was referred to the Chicago Title and Trust Company to determine whether title to Pennsylvania Avenue was in the University or in some other person. The Company has found t h a t the title to Pennsylvania Avenue is in t h e Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and has issued a title guarantee policy (No. 1948392) against all loss or damage not exceeding $5,000 by reason of defects in title. The policy is in the files of the Secretary of the Board. One of the conditions of the policy is that the University shall immediately notify the Chicago Title and Trust Company of any action or proceedings against the property insured, and that in case such notice is not given to the company within ten days after summons or other process is served on the University, then all liability of the company shall cease. The description of the property covered by the policy, and the description of certain exceptions not covered, are given below:


1. The estate or interest of the party guaranteed covered by this policy: fee


2. Description of the real estate in respect of which this policy is issued: Parcel No. 1. The North half of the South East quarter of Section eighteen (18), Township nineteen (19) North, Range nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian; Parcel No. 2. Beginning a t the North West corner of the South half of the South East quarter of Section eighteen (18), Township nineteen (19) North, Range nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, running thence South twenty eight (28) rods; thence East one hundred twenty (120) rods; thence North twenty eight (28) rods; thence West one hundred twenty (120) rods to the place of beginning; Parcel No. 3. Beginning at the North East corner of the South half of the South East quarter of Section eighteen (18), Township nineteen (19) North, Range nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, running thence South twenty eight (28) rods; thence West forty (40) rods; thence North twenty eight (28) rods; thence East forty (40) rods to the place of beginning; Parcel No. 4. Beginning a t the North East corner of the South West quarter of Section eighteen (18), Township nineteen (19) North, Range nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian; thence West eighty (80) rods to the centre of the North and South Road known as the "Cemetery Road"; thence South along the centre of said road one hundred seven and thirty one hundredths (107.30) rods; thence East eighty (80) rods; thence North on the half Section line to the place of beginning, all situated in the South half of Section eighteen (18), Township nineteen (19) North, Range nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the City of Urbana, all in Champaign County, Illinois.


Showing estates, defects or objections to title, and liens, charges and incumbrances thereon, which do or may now exist, and against which the company does not guarantee: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession and questions of survey. 2. Roads and highways. 3. Variations in measurements as disclosed by the subdivision of South West quarter of Section 18, Township 19 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal