Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
96 board of trustees [October 17 On motion of Mr. Fisher, these leaves were granted. CARNEGIE CORPORATION FELLOWSHIPS FOR MISS IRENE DOYLE A N D MISS PAULINE McCANDLESS (6) A report that I have authorized the Comptroller to accept two funds of $ 1500 from the Carnegie Corporation of N e w York which represent fellowships in library science awarded by the Corporation to Misses Irene Doyle and Pauline Dale McCandless, students in the University Library School, and to disburse these funds to these students. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this action w a s approved a n d confirmed. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PROPOSES TO BUILD GOLF COURSE A N D SKATING RINK (7) A report from Director George Huff that the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association on October 6, 1930, adopted the following resolutions: "The Athletic Association of the University of Illinois will be glad to cooperate with the University in providing better facilities for golf and will bear all of the expense of building a golf course, either of nine or eighteen holes, provided the University will furnish the necessary land. It is estimated that the cost of building greens and bunkers, and providing proper drainage and water supply for an eighteen hole course will be approximately $40,000." "The Athletic Association of the University of Illinois requests the privilege of immediately proceeding with the building of an artificial ice skating rink according to the plans which have already been submitted to the Board of Trustees of the University. It is understood that the contract for this building shall be let on competitive bids." I recommend that the offer to construct a golf course be accepted, and that the Association be authorized to proceed with the building of the ice skatingrink,provided that the plans for financing the cost of these projects shall meet with the approval of the Finance Committee. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this matter w a s referred to the Finance C o m m i t t e e for consideration a n d report later in the d a y (see page 108). LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR THE CHEMISTRY ANNEX BUILDING (8) A recommendation from the Supervising Architect that the following lighting fixtures be purchased from the General Electric Supply Corporation of Chicago for the Chemistry Annex Building at the prices indicated: Crouse-Hinds Co. cast aluminum fitters— 19 V D A - 175 @ $2.12 $ 4028 148 VDA-1200 @ $2.65 392 20 178 VDA-1200 with adapters V-904 @ $4.78 850 84 $1283 32 Less 2 % — 1 0 days 25 67 $1257 65 Holophane Co. Inc., glassware— 19 No. 2208 @ $1.65 J 31 35 148 No. 2328 @ 2.47 365 56 178 No. 2338 @ 4.85 863 30 $1260 21 Less 2 % — 1 0 days 25 20 1235 01 Total $2492 66 This will provide all interior lighting fixtures except for ten outlets in the tunn and one in the basement for which this type offixturesis not suitable. These fixtures are of the "safety" type which entirely seals the light mechanism in glass and alumithe ordinaryfixturehascost is the opinion chemical the type used in other buildings, n u mSupervising Architect is of greater thanthat it is justified in view of the fact that and, although the a short life under that of laboratory conditions.