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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
9° BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 17 STANDING COMMITTEES President Barr announced the revised list of standing committees as follows: Buildings and Grounds—James W. Armstrong, Chairman, William L. Noble, Helen M. Grigsby, Frank H. Simpson, Merle J. Trees. Finance—Merle J. Trees, Chairman, Walter T. Fisher, Frank H. Simpson. Engineering—Frank H. Simpson, Chairman, William L. Noble, Merle J. Trees. Patents—Walter T. Fisher, Chairman, James W. Armstrong, William L. Noble. Agriculture—Frank H. Simpson, Chairman, Helen M. Grigsby, Laura B. Evans. Chicago Departments—William L. Noble, Chairman, Walter T. Fisher, Margaret D. Blake. Student Welfare—Laura B. Evans, Chairman, James W. Armstrong, Margaret D. Blake. Instruction—Helen M. Grigsby, Chairman, Walter T. Fisher, Francis G. Blair. Library—Walter T. Fisher, Chairman, William L. Noble, Helen M. Grigsby. Alumni—James W. Armstrong, Chairman, Laura B. Evans, Merle J. Trees. Physical Education—Merle J. Trees, Chairman, Laura B. Evans, Frank H. Simpson. committee on landscaping President Barr announced also the appointment of the special committee on landscaping: Mrs. Blake, Chairman, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Simpson. C O M M I T T E E O N INAUGURATION O F PRESIDENT C H A S E President Barr reported the appointment of the special committee on the inauguration of President Chase: Mr. Trees, Chairman, Mr. Armstrong, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Grigsby, Dr. Noble. C O M M I T T E E O N C O M M I T T E E ORGANIZATION O n motion of Mr. Trees, the President of the Board was requested to appoint a special committee to study the organization of the standing committees of the Board, and to report to the Board. President Barr appointed Mr. Armstrong, Chairman, Dr. Noble, and Mr. Trees to serve on this committee. M A T T E R S P R E S E N T E D B Y PRESIDENT C H A S E The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. A D J U S T M E N T S IN T H E B U D G E T FOR 1 9 3 0 - 3 1 (i) The following changes and adjustments have been made in the Budget for 1930-31 in accordance with the authority given the President to make such adjustments: 1. Promotion of Dr. Burne O. Sippy of the College of Dentistry from Associate Professor of Orthodontia to Professor of Orthodontia without change in tenure or salary. 2. Provision for an additional assistant in the Department of Architecture at a salary of J1700 on account of the increased enrollment in architectural design. 3. The addition of $1525 to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology for the expenses of the out-patient lying-in service established in connection with the Research and Educational Hospital by authority of the Board (Minutes, June 3, 1930, page 600). 4. The addition of $500 to the Dispensary for supplies and materials for the new out-patient lying-in service. 5. T h e addition of $320 to the budget of the School of Music for the appointment of an additional one-half time instructor in theory and piano necessitated by the increase in the enrollment in that department. T h i s report w a s received for record.
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