UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 718]

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BOABD OF TRUSTEES Tenure, statute governing, 593 Terman, L. A., certificate, 267 Terry, H. B., degree, 619 Terry, L., appointment, 456 Terry, R. E., appointment, 363 Tervis, R. F., degree, 248 Terwilliger, S., degree, 6i8 Tessitore, J. N., degree, 641 Teton, J. B., degree, 532 Texas Livestock Marketing Association, calves purchased from, 462 Thacker, D. E., degree, 628 Thacker, E. A., certificate, 640 degree, 642 Thayer, J. C , degree, 499 Theisen, W . W., appointment, 170 Theiss, E. L., appointments, 169, 318 Thelen, L. L., certificate, 267 Thenaud, F, P. G., degree, 262 Theobald, J. J., appointment, 385 Theobald, W . H., appointment, 385 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, budget, expense, 322 salary, 327 expendable gift fund, 323 laboratory fees, 284 purchases, generator, 439 rails, 611 testing machine, 440 Therapeutics, see Pharmacology Thieda, R. A., degree, 616 Thiel, G. E., degree, 630 Thiel, G. M., degree, 628 Thielen, I, T., degree, 531 Thies, G. L., degree, 258 Thode, P. G., degree, 639 Thomas, B. P., degree, 625 Thomas, C. W., degree, 529 Thomas, F. C , degree, 447 Thomas, F. H-, appointment, 325 degree, 262 Thomas, F. P., degree, 263 Thomas, G. E,, degree, 621 Thomas, G. J. A., degree, 616 Thomas, G. P., degree, 447 Thomas, H. B., appointment, 360 Thomas, H. L., appointment, 340 Thomas, H. R., appointment, 328 Thomas, J. H., Jr., degree, 249 Thomas, T. W., appointment, 359 Thomas, L. C , degree, 529 Thomas, L. J., appointment, 316 Thomas, R., degree, 628 Thomas, R. V., degree, 78 Thomas, R. W., Jr., degree, 532 Thompson, E., degree,degree,619 307, 324 Thomasson,C..gift,fund,245250 agreement, Thomason,Phosphatedegree,62893620317, 319, Thompson, E. D., degree, 258 558 ThomsonR. Mdegree,degree, 269 198 Thomsen,190A.IX, appointments, Thorns, P.,H. J., J.,380degree, Thorek, L. L., degree, 245 expendable. B., Jr.,628 253 367 151, J. W., degree, 633 R. A., appointment, P. M., appointments, F. J. degree, 250 V. M., degree,529 L., W., Company, W A., O. IX, L. E., degree, 335 619 D., L., C W-, 245 162 530

Taft, D. R., appointments, 315, 549 Taft, E., certificate, 267 Taft, H., degree, 94 Taft, M., appointments, 178, 360 Taft lectureship, expendable endowment income fund, 347 Tait, A. A., degree, 8 Talbot, A. N., appointment, 327 honorary degree, 211 Talbot, Mrs. N. S-, appointment, 361 Tamblyn, D. E., degree, 258 Tandy, W - L., appointment, 456 Tanner, F. W., appointments, 167, 306, 547 Tapert, W . E., degree, 618 Tarnowsky, G. de, appointments, 86, 369 promotion, 59 Tarpley, K. J., appointments, 168, 310 Tarvin, D., appointments, 52, 3°8, 408 degree, 77 Tate, C. E.t cerificate, 640 Tate, G. D., degree, 473 Tate, J. H., Jr., appointment, 408 Tatterman marionettes, income from, 47 Tatum, E. L., degree, 616 Tavs, L. E., degree, 616 Tawney, G. A., appointment, 314 Tawney, P. O-, degree, 617 Tax warrants, appropriation for legal services, 606 Taxon, F, N., degree, 248 Taylo, J. M „ degree, 628 Taylor, B. C., degree, 252 Taylor, B. S-, commission, 643 degree, 628 Taylor, E. C., degree, 245 Taylor, E. F., degree, 245 Taylor, G. O., degree, 530 Taylor, H., appointment, 321 Taylor, H. W., degree, 634 Taylor, J. E., degree, 25s Taylor, J. S., degree, 380 Taylor, M. D., degree, 76 Taylor, M . E., degree, 163 Taylor, M . M., certificate, 267 degree, 270 Taylor, R. E., Jr., degree, 619 Taylor, S., degree, 167 Taylor, S. H., degree, 265 Taylor, T., contract for instruction of, 130 Taylor, T. G., appointment, 328 degree, 635 Taylor, W . H., degrees, 248, 634 fellowship, 587 scholarship, 213 Tazewell County Farm Bureau, gift, 577 Technical.S.E.,regulators,472Company, 555 Teare, WS. Drawing,report, 505 566 445 99 Teague,R.R.Productsbudget,of,363 gift,360 Teachers,topublicpublicappointments,University Teeters,properties,appointment, Teeter, courts,.J., gift,258fees363 2 10, 309 Telephone 610 degree, usecontract, TemperatureBell degree,359 Telleen, J. D., appointment, expense, Telford, K.642 degree, 616 364for Temple, E.system, budget, Telser, A.,363 appointment, 609 Templeton,cables,school,245 Templeman,498 degree, 206 Tennessee F., D., 531 258 Tener, course, discontinued, Tenant K.W., Telephone Tennis Tenney, B., dental leased revoked, S. degree, F., work, L., salary, E., L., degree, Corporation, I.t W 629 616 617