UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 717]

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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Strohl, P. M., degree, 245 Strohm, P. H., degree, 348 Strom, C. W-, degree, 163 Strong, R. V., degree, 250 Strote, M. D. S-, degree, 617 Strougal, E. J., degree, 629 Strough, R. J., contract for instruction of, 100 Strouse, A. M., degree, 248 Strout, D. E., degree, 260 fellowships, 213, 586 Strubinger, M . L., degree, 628 Structural steel, purchase, 70 Stuart, C. W\, appointment, 481 degree, 8 Stuart, M . L., degree, 628 Stubblefield, F. M., degree, 616 Stubbs, F. W., Jr., appointment, 324 degree, 528 Stubbs, S. L., appointment, 302 Stuber; D. A., degree, 529 Stuchlik, V. J-, appointment, 363 Studebaker truck, purchase approved, 128 Student activities, Senate committee, 422 standing committee, 195, 541 Student contracts, rooming house operators, 417 Student discipline, committee, statute, 418 Student loan funds, see Funds Student reading room, Library, balance reappropriated, 285 Student rooming conditions, survey, 116 Student welfare, standing committee, 195, 541 Student's English, committee on, budget, salary, 298 Student's Handbook, budget, 294 Study of criminal justice appropriation, 126 Stuit, D. B., degree, 258, 634 fellowship, 586 scholarship, 213 Stults, M. C , degree, 616 Sturdyvin, L. C , degree, 94 Sturgeon, L. K., degree, 258 Sturgess, K. B., degree, 245 Sturman, J. M., degree, 268 Sturmer, F. C , Jr., degree, 617 Stuttle, F. L., appointment, 558 degree, 8 Stutzman, D. C , appointments, 85, 310 Su, C. T., degree, 164 Sublette, M . H., appointment, 319 Subways, sound in, discovery, 108 Sudduth, Mrs. M. P., appointment, 336 Sugar, C , certificate, 640 Sullivan,appropriation,gasses,investigation, Sullins, fees,A.,M.of,appointments, 240594 Suldane,authoritydegree,37052967, 188348321 Summer J.167A.,degree,appointment, Sulphur fumes, E., C ,442 68630 budget, 514 Sulpbur, M462L., appointment, 369310171, Summers,insecticidal make499 314 sick leave,from degree,245up 47 patents,B,A.,B.,appointment, 1930, Session,degree,245 1932, A, M.,stack effects, 1931, J. G., 484 of, 630 incomeF. P., degree, 618 423, L. H., confer degrees, staff,Mrs.R., marionettes, authority 552 to fees, C- report .477, degree, 77 report statute 164 547 F., appointment, V. S-, B. to R. governing,


Summers, W . L., appointment, 346 Summerville, M . J., appointments, 198, 358 Sundberg, E. E., degree, 447 Super-Power Company, agreements, 219, 373 Superintendent of Business Operations, budget, 302 Supervising Architect, budget, 302 fund for President's house, 475 member of Senate, 41S report on campus drives and walks, 488 studies on men's dormitories, 478 Supervision and High School Instruction, budget, expense, 320 salary, 321 Suppiger, E. W., appointment, 327 degree, £28 Surak, J. E., degree, 269 Suranovic, R. C , degree, 258 Surety bonds, acceptance, 108 Surgery, budget, expense, 3 54 salary, 359 Surgical instruments, gift of, 611 Surgical supplies, investigation by x-rays, 469 Surman, M . P., degree, 164 Surveys, allied scientific, fees for staff members taking University courses, 609 Sutch, H. C , degree, 630 Sutherland, L. B., degree, 249 Sutherland, S. H., degree, 265 Suthedin, K. J., appointments, 147, 348, 551 Sutin, L. R., degree, 253 Sutton, A. H., appointment, 311 Sutton, A. I., degree, 165 Svilow, C. J., degree, 616 Swajm, P. A., degree, 621 Swain, J. O., appointment, 315 degree, 529 Swain, J. W.f appointments, 312, 549 Swain, T., degree, 245 Swanlund, L. H., degree, 618 Swann, S., Jr., appointments, 86, 328 patent sought, 506 sick leave, 590 Swanson, D. A., degree, 258 Swanson, D. C , C.P.A. certificate, 386 Swanson, F. E., appointment, 297 Swanson, G-, appointment, 362 Swanson, G. A., decree, 619 Swanson, J. W., appointment, 310 Swanson, L. C , degree, 259 Swanson, P. E., certificate, 267 Swanson, V. C , degree, 474 Swanson, W., appointment, 168 sick leave, 514, 552 Sward, S. M., degree, 628 Tabor, J.MG.degree,appointment, 300 3®7> purSweney,C.,Landdegree,Cattle25886,332 Swearingen,C.CL.,degree, 470members,310, Swarner,R.,F.L.,ana618529250Company,121 408, Swenson J.womenE;,623 245 368 Sweet, cornE.,M.,degree,620fund,52, Swartz,L.Mrs.P.,commission, 643 347 4°8 Swimming,C. T., degree, 621 Swenson, A. L., appointment, Sweetman,P.,W., appointments, Sweet R. F. investigation,629 Taborn, 636J., degree, 530 Swinney, 621degree,faculty251 Swingley, W., appointments, Swift, J. .E.E., degree, 617 Szmagaj, orders, 120 255 Symons, E. K., degree, Swinehart,H. degree,appointments, degree, S., degree, degree, chase 548 E. E., ,