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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
666 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dorjahn, J. A., appointment, 363 Dorman, H. P., certificate, 267 Dormitories for men, committee, 379 report on financing, 478 Dorner, H. B., appointment, 339 Dorrf F. L., degree, 250 Dorns, W . V., commission, 642 degree, 618 Dorsch, A. L., degree, 626 Dorsey, J. R., degree, 529 Dorsey, M. T., appointment, 339 Dotson, C. W., degree, 242 Doty. J. R-» appointments, 381, 601 Doty, L. D., appointment, 325 Doughty, D. A.t degree, 247 Douglas, I. E., appointment, 326 Douglas, W . H., degree, 263 Douglass, A. L., degree, 614 DouthrL Mrs. D., appointment, 344 Dow, C. L., appointment, 452 Dowding, F, J., degree, 622 Dowell, R. L-, degree, 621 Dowell, W . H., commission, 642 degree, 622 Downey, E., appointments, 214, 551 Downing, R. H., degrees, 248, 634 scholarship, 213 Downing, R. W., degree, 620 Downs, W . B., appointment, 362 degree, 163 Doyle, F. B., degree, 635 Doyle, I. M., degree, 263 fellowship, 96 Doyle, K., appointment, 300 Doyle, M., appointment, 353 Draffin, J. O., appointment, 327 Draft fans, purchase, 70 Dragel, D. T., degree, 640 Drake, J. S., commission, 259 degree, 256 Drake, R. T., degree, 247 Draper Drive, naming of, 133 Draperies, Medical and Dental Laboratories, contract, 275 Drawing, General Engineering, budget, expense, 322 salary, 325 Technical, dental course, discontinued, 609 Drayer, T. W., degree, 626 Drayton, A. O., degree, 268 Drazek, A., degree, 640 Drdla, S., degree, 165 Dreschel, C. T., degree, 450 Dresden china, gift of, 611 Drescher, M. A., degree, 624 DressingH.booths,M., 270benefit,certificate, conDroegemueller,degree, certificate,185 Droba,Room,Gymnasium, 242of, 479 479 Drives,M.M.B.,C.P.A.degree, Gymnasium,476 Drew, MH.I.,J.,seedegree, 473446 379 24, 141 24, Dreyer, D.L.,improvement, 641 Drexel,.campus,C.P.A.256appropriation, Drews, F.G.376degree, 7C.P.A. 526 Drewery,H., L.,F. deathappointment, Duel!, on W .appointment, Dry,tract,A. degree,C., certificate, Drury, C M.fJr.,condition Drummond, B.,degree, 528 Drug141 Mrs.488A.Woman's Drueke, F.E.,L.,degree,623 614 Drueck, J.D.,P.,degree,614 362 Duffey, Dudack, Druley, W., certificate, Woman's pavement, F., appointment, report B., 254 Dispensary 247 DiLeonarde, J. H-, degree, 617 Dillavou, E. R., appointments, 317, 319 degree, 91 Dillavou, W . E., degree, 247 Dillman, L. M.f appointment, 452 degrees, 266, 642 Dillman, M. E., degree, 256 Dillman, V-, appointment, 452 Dillon, S., degree, 621 Dillon, W . K., degree, 165 Dimock, P., degree, 624 Dine, W . C , Jr., certificate, 639 degree, 4 72 Duismore, G. R., degree, 94 Dinsmore, J. B., commission, 259 degree, 247 Diplomas, change in size, 494 contracts, 504, 515, 578 design adopted, 503 form changed, 474 purchase, 26, 70 Dippell, C. J., degree, 473 Directors, Athletic Association, appointments, 186 Directors of schools, statutes concerning, 41820 Discipline, student, committee on, 418 Discoveries, patents on, budget, 294 Diseases of alimentary tract, research, expendable fund, 354 Dismukes, J. B., certificate, 532 Dismukes, W . P., appointment, 315 Dispensary, additions to budget, 90 Dispensary and Drug Room, budget, expense, 354 salary, 356 Ditkowsky, S. I., certificate, 639 Dittmar, G. W,, appointment, 362 Diver, J. F., commission, 259 degree^ 242 Dixon, C. M., certificate, 639 Dixon, D. G., degree, 473 Dixon, M. A. M., degree, 472 Doak, J., appointment, 146 Doak, W . F-. degree, 247 Dobberman, M. R., appointment, 405 Dobbins, B. H., surety on Treasurer's bond, proposal, 606 Dod, E., straw purchased from, 439 Dod, K. C , degree, 471 Dodds, J. H., surety on Treasurer's bond, proposal, 606 Dodge, A. F., appointment, 322 Dodge, D. K., appointment, 309 Doescher. A. C-, degree, 94 Donovan,I..R. V.,degree, 619327 320, Dolch, A.J.633 F.,commission,310 526 Doland,T. C.,L.,degree,certificate, 643 Dolan, L.MG.J.,V.,appointments,259347, 547 Dohme,E. .254degree, 622450639 452, 551 551 Donner, E.R.W., certificate,530 Donlin, D.CA., I., certificate, 639 Domke, G.A.K.,appointment, 316, Dolley, A.266 appointments, 259 Dolk, J. J.,E.,degree, 256 267 Dohney,G. 472 appointment,626 171, Donahue,W W., appointment, 324 Donkle, S., commission, Dollins, F.252 degree, 614 Donovan, 242 appointments, Doole, Dorcas, B., degree, Dooley, 7., certificate, Doolen, L-- C.P.A. 256 Dorfman, I., appointments, Dore, degree, F., degree, degree, J., E.,
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