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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 669]

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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Duffey, H. R., fellowships, 212, 586 Dumeld File and Tool Company, material purchased, 221 Duffin, R. J., degree, 622 Duffy, B. E., degree, 247 Duffy, M. A., appointment, 306 Duggan, A. D., degree, 77 Dugglehy, E. I., degree, 254 DuMont, M. S., certificate, 639 Dunbar, H. C , degree, 618 Dunbar, L. B., appointments, 168, 312, 54g Duncan, C. E., degree, 249 Duncan, E. J., degree, 256 Duncan, O. V-, degree, 256 Dungan, G. H., appointment, 334 Dunham, C. F., appointments, 177, 320, 405 degree, 448 Dunkin, P. S., appointment, 309 degree, 260 Dunlap, C. A., contract for instruction of, 462 Dunlap, F., appointment, 301 Dunn, C. B., appointment, 308 Dunn, C. G-, appointment, 405 Dunn, L. R., degree, 623 Dunn, M. M-, degree, 266 Dunseth, C. A., appointment, 303 Dunteman, O. F., degree, 95 DuPont fellowship, awarded, Duffey, H. R., 586 fund, 365 DuPont, E. I., de Nemours & Company, gift, 140, 504 DuPuis, R. N., degree, 242 Duram, R. V.» degree, 256 Eadie, G. T., degree, 614 Durand, A. P., appointment, 346 Earle, F. B., gift, 206 Durick, E. B., M. R., degree, 448 Earley, Sister appointment, 335 Durkes, L. M., degree, 614 Earley, L., degree, 624 Durr, M. L., degree, 614551 Easley, H., appointment, Durrstein, V.^L., degree, 251 Easley, M. M degree, 622 Duryee, R.R. E.,degree, 629 Eastburn, W., degree, 640 Dushkin,Offset. Inc., contract, 206 Eastern M. A., degree, 266 Duwe, G. L., T., degree, 78 Eastman, F. degree, 93 Dvorak, F. J.,degree, 619 642 Eastman, M., commission, degree, 621 Eaton, J. T., appointment, 307 Dvorak, G.260 degree, 268 degree, T-, Dvorak,L. E„ degree, 94 Eaton, R. F., appointments, 298, 348 Dwight L.. W., degree, 623 Eaton, Brothers Paper Company, paper purchased, 139 Eaton, S. H.f degree, 614 Dworkin, S. H., certificate, Eberlein, F. A,t degree, 242 269 degree, Fund, gift, 494» 612 Ebert Loan532 Dyas, F. G., appointment, 369 Ebey, L. C , degree, 254 DykinE, F. A,, appointments, Eby, L. K., appointment, 335 80, 452 Dyrenforth, L. Y., degree, Eccles, W . Rj, degree, 450 270 Dyson, A., T. J., degree, 8, Echternacht, appointments, 16580, 308 Eck, A. V. W.,R., degree, 342 526 Eckert, C , F. degree, 164 J. G. degree, certificate, O., C.P.A. 633


Economics, budget, expense, 317 salary, 318 See also Agricultural Economics and Public Utilities Economos, J. P., degrees, 93, 253 Edahl, E. W., degree, 7 Eddy, J. R. D., degree, 626 Edel, F. W., degree, 242 Edel, M. B^ degree, 95 Edel man, M. I., certificate, 639 degree, 266 Edelstein, A. M., degree, 165 Edelstein, R., appointment, 405 Edes, V. B., degree, 242 Edgett, G. L-, degree^ 163 Edgren, L. L., commission, 259 degree, 250 Edidin, B. m., degree, 242 Edinburg, J. J., certificate, 267 Ediphone equipment, purchase, 388 Edlund, S. v., degree, 247 Edmonds, J. L., appointment, 33s Education, Chicago Board of, script to be accepted^ 445 Education, College of, acting dean, 63 appropriation, special, 364 budget, salary, 320 summary, 320 dean appointed, 218 degrees, 77, 94, 165, 256, 450, 473, 530, 626 fees charged employees of public school systems cooperating with, 610 Educational conferences, Dudget, 294 Educational policy, statutes concerning, 418 Educational Research, Bureau of, budget, expense, 320 salary, 321 Edwards, C , degree, 246 Edwards, F. G., degree, 531 Edwards, G. E. B., degree, 254 Edwards, G. H-, certificate, 639 Edwards, H. M-, appointment, 296 Edwards, T. A., degree, 91 Enron, D. V., certificate, 267 Eggers, H. W., degree, 379 Ehlers, D. L., degree, 254 Ehlert, W . H., degree, 259 Ehman, E. M., degree, 242 Eh man, S. F., degree, 351 Ehnborn, C. B., degree, 474 Ehnborn, G. B., degree, 78 Ehrlichp L. H., degree, 242 Ehrman, M. R., degree, 629 Eisenberg, B ^ degree, 379 Eisenstein, M. W7, degree, 379 Electricalto,189T.,commission, gift,expense,gift, Electrical.222,giftlines.Illinois642of516 cost 442 ElectricWfixtures,funds,budget,purchased,conEldred, G.powergift, 388Show Union, Elder, fund,E. Company, extension, 31 apEkovich,clock, degree, etc.,242House, contract, Eklund,371,A.,505degree,e323 Gymnasium, 322 gifts, service President's of 1932, 70, metermen'sF., degree, loan installations, 623coal laboratory324^ 282 N w gift funds, expendable612L.,lines, 250 degree,Coal591 course, 612 S. L., gift K.R-, salary.Engineering, 247 tract,M. 516 proved, fees, 232 condensers, 619 100, Engineering 622128 short