UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 667]

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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Dedrick. M , L., degree, 7 Deem, A. G., appointment, 405 degree, 246 Deem, W . C., appointment, 327 Deere, H. A., degree, 614 Deere, M., appointments, 50, 333 Deerhake, F. M., degree, 621 Deerwester, H. C., degree, 618 Deeter, R. O., degrees, 249, 262 Deficiencies for admission, Engineering, 171 Degan, P. V., degree, 626 Degrees, authority to confer, 233, 505, 59<> conferred, lists, 7, 76, 91, 161, 210, 240, 379, 447, 470. 498, 526. 612 summaries, 240, 612 honorary, 210 School of Physical Education, 609 DeGroote, F. K., degree, 618 DeLancy, D. G., appointment, 348 DeLano, P. J., appointment, 369 DeLargy, P. L., appointments, 314, 479. 549 Delegation of signatures, 182, 540 Delhaye, R. J., certificate, 641 Delinquency, study of, appropriation, 372 Dell, G. H., appointment, 324 degree, 263 DeLong, C. C., appointment, 452 DeLong, W . W., degree, 247 Delson, E., degree, 7 Delta Phi, request for use of driveway, 128 DeMar, B., appointment, 359 Demming, L. F., appointment, 348 Demorest, A. L., degree, 614 DeMoulin Bros, and Company, military uniforms purchased, 610 Dempsey, C. J., degree, 242 Demski, C., degree, 532 Demurrage charges on freight cars, 26 Deneen, H. A., degree, 253 Denenholz, E. J., certificate, 267 Denison, C. B., degree, 247 Denman, D. L.( degree, 626 Dennis, C., degree, 628 Dennis, H. A., appointment, 313 Denny, A. K-. degree, 631 Denny, C , degree, 617 Dent, Mrs. B., appointment, 326 Dental Building, bonds, 424, 475* 487 appropriation for retirement, 605 Booth A, lease, 99 Booth B, lease, gg old,fireinsurance, 595 Dental Illustration, budget, expense, 360 Dental Orthodontia, graduate, balance reappropriated, 285 Dentistry,members National487f58discontinued, Dente,609inwith166,taking364Bankrequirements, Dentalfare,95,statutes256474,accessof 562 WelDepositJ.609 ofchanges,admissionsalary, change Department 116,Public202» University Chicago, Depository, Firstright-of-way, 640 Trust Departments,oflibraries,drawing,and 420courses, DepartmentalBank,or,First UnionPublic545and coursePathology139, concerning, to, budget,agreement,268,374 374 502, 301 departmentfordepartment, 374 appropriation,366 and Worksof Buildings, relation541 degree. Therapeutics, degrees,E.(technical budget, fees, title reorganization, deferred, 609361 summary, Treasurer's, 207 funds, 423 in locker, 360 537 staffboxes, special, request Savings 510, salary,Department College


DePue, J. M., appointments, 134, 316 Derby, M. R-, commission, 642 degree, 622 Derengowski, M . R., degree, 626 Deringer, W . A., degree, 620 Derksen, W . J., Jr., commission, 642 degree, 622 Dermatitis, gift for research work, 577 Dermatology, budget, expense, 354 salary, 356 Derment, H. E., degree, 94 Derr, P, H ^ appointments, 50, 351 Derrough, C. E., appointment, 325 Derrough, H., ana Company, contracts, 29, 97, I3i» 414 Derwent, T. E., degree, 252 Deshell, A. E., degree, 165 Detjen, E. W., degree, 258 Detonation in internal combustion engines, gift for research, 74 DeTrana, G. E., appointments, 146, 368 DeTrana, L. B., degree, 532 Detrich, J. H., Jr., degree, 246 Detroit Illinae Club, gift, 596 DeTurk, E. E., appointment, 334 Deuss, H. O., appointment, 357 gift, 371 Deuss, J. B., memorial prize, established, 37T Deutch, J. W-, degree, 619 Deutch, N., degree, 246 Deutch, S. I., degree, 78 Deutsch, H., appointments, no, 370 Deutsch, S. Q., degree, 268 DeVlieger, G7 J-, degree, 268 DeVries, L, appointment, 307 Dew, H. E., degree, 471 Dewey, I. E., degree, 614 Dewey, M. A., degree, 449 DeWitt, L. R., degree, 470 DeWitt house, contract, remodeling, 441 improvements, 401 purchase, 232 report, 493 DeWolf, F. W., appointments, 274, 311 Dexter Folder Company, machine purchased, 439 Dey, E. W., degree, 628 Dey, H. W., degree, 472 Dey, R. H., degree, 621 Diamond, I. B., appointment, 357 Dickens, H. O., degree, 532 Dickerson, H. C., scholarship, 212 Dickerson, H. M., appointment, 452 degree, 254 Dickinson, B. S., appointments, 8, 316, 550 Dieckmann,C.H., degree,of166621 312, no, for DictatingLaboratories,269640357 472 318 358 Dickinson,D.Office,J., Agronomy,Inc., gift, 441 Digestive C. E-, degree, 254168, 318, Dietetic H. CM.,effect252626 R, on, fund, Dieterle, J. R.,M.,appointments, trust 550 Diesner. M.F.G., degree,469yeast 150 549 Dickson, M.,J.appointment,254 of 80, 386 Dickman,E.,C.appointments,certificate, gift Dildine, C\Y.degree, M Diffenbaugh, L., Jr., 256 Dietz, F. A., H. degree, & Dietrich, E. F., certificate, 267 Diehl,M. D., degree, bequest639 80, DiGilio, 7 F., 25 Diez, K. D., 32, appointments, Diederichs, ,B., 441,degree, degree, machines,degree, Business448 G., appointments, 442 tract, C.P.A. research, 532