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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
656 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bush, A. J., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Bushee, A., degree, 94 Bushee, M . S., degree, 628 Business Office, Chicago, budget, expense, 294 salary, 296 U rbana, budget, expense, 294 salary, 295 equipment, appropriation for, 25 petty cash fund, creditors* agreement authorized, 608 depository, 601 reduction, 601 report, 567 Business Organization and Operation, budget, expense, 317 salary, 317 Business Research, Bureau of, balance reappro priated, 2%$ budget, expense, 317 salary, 310 Bussard, L. H., appointments, 315, 549 Busse, R. G., degree, 247 Buswell, A. M., appointment, 307 patent, 31, 174 city of Decatur permitted to use, 526 released, 49 Butchart, J. H., appointments, 451, 549 degree, 637 Butcher, J. W., Jr., degree, 613 Butler, E. W., degree, 623 Butler, V. M., degree, 531 Buttner, L., commission, 259 degree, 256 Butz, L. W., appointments, 80, 109, 368 Buzzetl, L, A., degree, 256 Byerley, J. R., appointment, 321 Byers, G. B., degree, 93 Byers, L. M., degree, 246 Byland, F. L., degree, 623 By land, H., appointment, 353 Byland, I. E., degree, 623 By-Laws, amendments, 136, 145, 173, 540, 553, 554, 56o Byrne, P. B,, degree, 629 Cable, E. D., degree, 447 Cables, high voltage, testing, expendable gift fund, 323, 329 investigation, 187 patent, 31, 152 research to be terminated, 515 leased to Illinois Bell Telephone Company. 190, 555, telephone, gift, 206 Caeanindin, S., degree, 473 Caddy, K. J., degree, 251 Calvin,A.R.M.T.,degree,530certificate, 278, 308 Calorimeter, T.,D.,C.P.A.241353 CalifT,D.M B. 339appointment,268 Calhoun,purchase,degree,63894 Caldwell, R.,J.,appointment, 324 Calabrese,E., appointment,371 326 141 Cain, J.J..C.W.,degree,buildings, contract, Cafeteria,H.,C steam,degree,241369168, 285 4*3 Calves, M. appointment, Calosio, balance 331 Callow, expense, degree, Callen, 636R., degree, Calisoff, N.R., C.,degree, Calendine,E. degree, 624 Calcimining, Chicagogift,247 Calm, A.CK.,degree, 256629 Caddy, J. P., , E., 463268 316 Callahan, P., appointments, degree, budget, salary, reappropriated, Burdick, L. S., degree, 53i Bureau of Business Research, balance reappropriated, 285 budget, expense, 317 salary, 319 Bureau County, experimentfields,discontinued, 570 reconveyea, 600 Bureau of Educational Research, budget, expense, 320 salary, 321 Bureau of Public Roads, U.S.D.A., agreements, 151, 190 Burfeind, N. T., degree, 95 Burg, D. H., degree, 241 Burge, \V. E., appointment, 314 Burger, A., appointment, 363 Burgess, M. A., degree, 165 Burglund, W . P., appointment, 404 commission, 259 degree, 250 Burgoon, B., Jr., degree, 621 Burgwin, F. E>, degree, 261 Burgy, J. H.f appointment, 311 Burk, L., gift, 206 Burk, M. M., appointments, 167, 306, 547 Burke, M., appointment, 303 Burke, M. K., degree, 624 Burkhart, C. R., degree, 450 Burkhart, L. A., degree, 268 Burks, D., Jr., appointment, 329 patent, 31 assignment of rights, 66, 67 foreign, 49 promotion of, 552 Burleigh, A. L-, degree, 621 Burlison, W . L., appointment, 334 Burmeister, E. D., degree, 628 Burmeister, L., degree, 78 Burner, J. B., appointment, 404 degree, 266 Burney, J. R,, appointment, 451 Burnham, E. L., degree, 248 Burnier, M. L., degree, 261 Burns, B. B., degree, 379 Burns, C. W., degree, 268 Burns, H. S., appointment, 451 Burns, Mrs. K. v., appointments, 338, 343 Burns, M. K., degree, 256 Burns, Sister M. R.f degree, 631 Burns, M. W., degree, 613 Bums, O. R., appointment, 359 Burns, R. O., appointment, 404 Burrill Avenue, cf. Draper Drive Burrin. E. V-, degree, 241 Burrows,A..S.,T-,seedegree,247301 587 360 Burroughs,M.,degree,Business351367 404. 643 Burstein,WMrs.fellowships, 379 307, Bursik, E.E.,C J.,G.,todegree,213, Bursar'sC..H.,M.,degree,379 310 Office, Bursar, R.office,degree,sign267253 of Urbana Burrow,Board,,appointment,name368 Secretary Burton, J.H.M., degree, appointment, Burtner,O.D., .A.,degree,241 241 Burt, F.authority appointment, Buschj G.,M., R.degree, Busch, W S.A., ,degree,256 266 Busby, L.,A. Cappointment, 473 Burwash, T., certificate, 164 Busey, Busenbark,H. D., S.,165 Buschmg, 92D. 182,degree, degree, degree, 91 628 of G. L., 540 241 B. appointments, W E., appointment, appointment,
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