UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 659]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Cambridge Instrument Company, electrocardiograph purchased, 462 Cameron, D. A.f degree, 620 Cameron, E. H., appointments} 170, 320, 551 Cameron, H. M., degree, 630 Cameron, M. L., degree, 626 Cameron, W . F.f degree, 246 Camp, W . J. R., appointment 359 Camp Custer, to use R.O.T.C. equipment, 67 Campaign, legislative, report, 202 Campbell, C. B., degree, 247 Campbell, C. W., degree, 241 Campbell, H. L., scholarship, 213 Campbell, W . E., degree, 632 Campus, drives, contract, 172 improvements, additional cost, 488 report, 446 entrance markers, 379 landscaping, committee report, 379 Canadian patents, prevention of embrittlement in steam boilers, 139 radio transmission, 193 stack gases, 506 Canned meats, bacteria in, 26 Cannery crops, research, expendable gift fund, 332 Cannon, G. F., degree, 622 Cannon, L. C , degree, 631 Cannon, W . E., degree, 471 Cans, sanitary tin, contract renewed, 440 Canter, H. V., appointments, 168, 309, 548 Capper-Ketcham Extension, budget, expense, 60, 331 salary, 60, 344 Capron, H. S-, annual report, 394 authority to receive money, 183 bond, 183 approved, 202 credited with securities sold, 568, 596 elected Treasurer, 183 proposal concerning Treasurer's bond, 606 request, 443 resignation, 512 accepted, 514 resolution authorizing creditors' agreement, 606 transfer of funds and securities, 545 Car axle failures, expendable fund, 323 demurrage charges, 26 Carbondale Machinery Company, contract, 205 Carbonell, N. C , degree, 249 Card, L. E., appointment, 335 Cardinal, E. V-, degree, 637 Carey, G. L., degree, 640 Carey,M.J.G.C.213220degree,267332633169, 313 Caro, M.WR.,P.,S.,degree,626367 CarmichaeL.J. A.,,degree,165621 642 Carlstrom,613A.,decree,626purchase Carlstrand,expendable fund,95 326 from, Carlson,T.Corporation Fellowships, 96 Carlino,B.Steelappointment,636 314315, 549 373 Carpenter, C. H., appointments, Carow, Carothers, B. Ccertificate Carotene, M.,degree, 613 6.29 Caron, Carney, A,, L., degree, 472, Carnegie M E.,J., appointments, Carmolli, A.D. M.t degree, 24Z Carman, R.E., H., commission, Carlton, M.M., R., degrees, 242 Carnahan, H. degree, 613 degree, . D., investigation, Company, fellowship,L., appointment, R. appointment,


Carpenter, P, D., appointment, 363 Carpio, G. D., degree, 249 Carr fellowship, Carter, H. E., 586 Simpson, O. C , 643 fund, 365 Carr, K., appointment, 451 Carr, R. F., gift, 32 Carrel, L. J., degree, 93 Carrel, L. Y., degree, 626 Carrier Engineering Company, equipment purchased, 439 Carngan, H. T., appointment, 451 Carrison, H. C , degree, 252 Carroll, C. F., degree, 613 Carroll, C. L„ degree, 472 Carroll, E. C , degree, 242 Carroll, K. M., degree, 613 Carroll, M., degree, 256 Carroll, N., degree, 94 Carroll, W . E., appointment, 335 Carson, B. H-, degree, 256 Carson, C. M., degree, 530 Carson, E., degree, 631 Carson, L. F., degree, 253 Carson, M. A., degree, 242 Carson, M , T., degree, 613 Carson, R. C , degree, 473 Carson-Payson Company, contracts, 66, 413 Carter, B. F., degree, 472 Carter, B, G., appointment, 315 Carter, C. E., degree, 264 Carter, C. L., certificate, 267 Carter, D. O., degree, 448 Carter, E. O., degree, 628 Carter, H. E., appointments, 307, 548 Carr fellowship, 586 degree, 470 Carter, J. H., degree, 268 Carter, L., claim, 211 Carter, R. L., appointment, 489 degree, 268 Carter-Pennell Farms, annual reports, 284, drainage project, payment authorized, 592 fund, 365 payment of attorney's fees, 604 lease extended, 100 Carthey, E. D-, degree, 247 Carver, E. R., degree, 245 Carver, W . S., commission, 642 Cary, R. C , degree, 242 Casberg, C. H., appointment, 325 Case, D. E., degree, 626 Case, H. C. M., appointment, 338 Casey, YV\ E., degree, 165 Cash, J. G., appointment, 404 CatalogR.R.,219extended,S^ certificate, appropriCavanaugh,F.H.J.,E.,degree, 469, 624 Cattle,N.T.252F.,J., M.degree,fund, 317 Cast ation,A.,Sister C.P-A.98, 266 323 Cassity,B.T.University 242 degree,516 121 Casserly,ofL.,71,degree,contracts,167, 526 Cash,ironJ.,L.,degree,appointment, 32, 307 Ceithaml, F., Jr., 631 Cech, Cawthorne, British Museum, Cavins, W*. P., plant259261 Cave, A. W.,373120 640264 Catlin, feedingdegree, 249 Catalogue,W.,D-, expendable 247 Castle,J. C.pipe,degree,268 153 Celaya, Catherwood,R., appointments, Cassie, purchase, M. degree, degree, 626 purchased, agreement, 613 publications,