UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 579]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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This report was received for record. EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT WITH ASSOCIATION OF M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F CHILLED C A R W H E E L S (22) A request that the agreement for a cooperative investigation of railway brake shoes with the Association of Manufacturers of Chilled Car Wheels (Minutes, page 187) be extended for one year from March 15, 1932. O n motion of M r . Barr, this extension was approved. ALUMNI FUND BOARD'S STUDENT EMERGENCY LOAN FUND (23) The Alumni Fund Board offers to loan the sum of $2,ooo immediately, and an additional sum of $2,000 later on, for emergency loans to students under the conditions stated in the following recommendation which has been approved by the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association on March 3, 1932: "That the Finance Committee of the Alumni Association be directed to obtain from the securities of the Alumni Fund a sum of $2,000 to be placed at the disposal of the University of Illinois for a period of one year or longer if the President of the Alumni Fund Board so directs; that this Fund be known as the A L U M N I F U N D B O A R D ' S S T U D E N T E M E R G E N C Y L O A N F U N D ; that this Fund be loaned to University students on the approval of the Dean of Men in amounts not to exceed $50 for periods not to exceed one year on judgment notes bearing 5 % interest; that the collection of principal and interest shall be the duty of the University business office but that the Alumni Fund will accept such losses as prove to be unavoidable; and further, that if the emergency continues the Alumni Fund Board authorizes its President to recommend a loan of an additional sum of $2,000 to be administered in the same way." This offer involves no financial responsibility on the part of the Board of Trustees, other than that the Comptroller is asked to undertake the collection of principal and interest, and the Alumni Fund Board will accept unavoidable losses. As these funds were needed immediately to relievefinancialdistress among students, I authorized the acceptance of this offer under the conditions stipulated in the action of the Alumni Association and Committee. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, the acceptance of this fund was approved. GIFTS T O T H E UNIVERSITY (24) The following report of gifts received bv the University since the last report: 1. From Electro-Therapy Products Corporation of Chicago, $400 for research work in radiology and electro-therapy. 2. From Mead Johnson and Company $900 for research work in dermatitis. 3. From the Illinois State Academy of Science an herbarium donated to the Academy by Dr. and Mrs. William F. Moffatt and temporarily placed by the Academy in the State Museum at Springfield. The Museum has no facilities for the care of this collection. The acceptance of this gift will involve no expense to the University for its arrangement and display until such time as funds may be available for this purpose. 4. From the National Research Council $150 for technical assistance for Professor Jakob Kunz in his study of the photoelectric effects of alkali vapour and films; and $150 for technical assistance for Professor J. T. Tykociner in his study of a velocity selector for molecular rays. 5. From Dr. William Allen Pusey, Professor Emeritus in Dermatology, a bust of himself which he wishes to present to the College of Medicine. 6. From Mr. Robert Allerton of Monticello $800 for the continuation of the American Traveling Scholarships in Architecture during the current year. 7. From the Farm Bureau-Farm Management Service of Livingston, McLean,of Farm Organization and counties a Ford car for the use of the Department Tazewell, and Woodford Management. This report was received for record.