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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
376 board of trustees [June 26 ARCHITECT'S FEES ON PRESIDENT'S HOUSE (41) A recommendation of the Supervising Architect that the following bill for architectural services on the President's house be paid. Statement 101 Park Avenue N e w York, June 8, 1931 U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS U R B A N A , ILLINOIS TO CHARLES A. PLATT, DR. PRESIDENT'S HOUSE Office Cost of Draughting } 5 271 87 DISBURSEMENTS: To Date Blueprints $180 58 Telegrams, etc 21 11 201 69 ' $ 5 473 56 CREDIT: By Cash—Dec. 4, 1930 3 000 00 $ 2 473 56 Approved: James M. White Supervising Architect O n motion of Dr. Noble, this bill was approved for payment. BIDS ON EQUIPMENT FOR WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM (42) The Supervising Architect has received bids on dressing booths and other equipment for the Woman's Gymnasium to be purchased out of the furniture item in the Physical Plant Extension budget, which has already been submitted and which, of course, is contingent on thefinalapproval of the University's appropriation bill. I will ask him to present these bids. June 25, 1931 President H. W . Chase, JS5 Administration ( W ) WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM Dear President Chase: Upon receipt of bids by Mr. Edwards for the 215 dressing booths, 1288 baskets and racks, and 60 lockers, we are recommending that the contract for same be awarded as follows: 1. Dressing booths to the Fiatt Metal Manufacturing Company at their bid of #5,880.00 with 2 % discount allowed for payment within 10 days. 2. Baskets and racks to the All Steel Equipment Company, using the Washburn basket at the unit price of Si.19 or a total price of Si,532.72 for the 1288. 3. Lockers to the Lyon Metal Products Company at their price of S141.60 for the 48 in. locker, plus J5.00 for the erector's fare, making it a total of S146.60. The above quotations include erection. A schedule of the bids received is attached. You will note that we are recommending the second low bidder for the dressing booths. The booths offered by the Lyon Metal Products Company were not designed for this type of installation, and are not of the same class and quality of construction bid upon by the others. W e believe there is much more difference in the valuethan the difference in the two bids, and it is because we consider the construction of the Lyon Metal Products Company unsuitable for this building that we are recommending the awarding of the booths to the Fiatt Metal Manufacturing Company. The other recommendations, you will note, go to the low bidders. It will be necessary to take care of these contracts on the furniture item in our Physical Plant Extension budget, all contingent upon the signing of our appropriation by the Governor. VeryJames yours, Architect truly M. White Supervising
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