Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I931! U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 371 T H E ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BUDGET (27) The Board of Directors of the Athletic Association submits its budget for the year 1931-32 and 1 recommend that it be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , this b u d g e t w a s referred to the Finance C o m m i t t e e for consideration a n d report. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (28) The following report of gifts received by the University since the last report: 1. From a prominent graduate of the College of Engineering, the sum of 32,400 to be used for three 3400 graduate scholarships in civil engineering for a two-year period. 2. From the Wilson Laboratories, the sum of $375 to be used for research work in connection with the relation of spleen extract to certain skin conditions. 3. From M r . L. V. James of the Midland Division of National L a m p Works to the Department of Electrical Engineering, two bracket cabinets arranged with transparencies to illustrate various methods of electric street lighting and flood lighting installations. The total value of this gift is approximately $300. 4. From Mrs. Alice E. Pelikan of the Class of 1917, School of Pharmacy, the sum of $25 as a prize to be awarded annually to a member of the graduating class of the School of Pharmacy for excellence in the subject of materia medica. 5. From Dr. and Mrs. H . O. Deuss of Chicago, a biennial prize of #100 for research work in the field of allergy, to be known as thejames Burkett Deuss Memorial. (Doctor Deuss is one of the younger men on the staff of the College of Medicine and the prize is a memorial to his son who died of asthma.) 6. From the Chemical Foundation of N e w York the sum of $625 to assist Professor Roger A d a m s of the Department of Chemistry in completing his work on synthetic preparations to replace chaulmoogra oil in the treatment of leprosy. 7. From Lewis M . Ellison of the Ellison Draft Gage Company a steam calorimeter valued at approximately $150. T h i s report w a s received for record. INTEREST ON THE HART MORTGAGE (29) A report from the Comptroller that the full amount of interest due on the Hart mortgage as of December 16 has been collected but that it has not yet been possible to collect the interest on the Martin mortgage due January 7, 1931, which amounts to $262.50. T h i s report w a s received for record. PORTRAITS OF PROFESSORS PARR, NOYES, A N D PALMER (30) Professor Roger A d a m s of the Department of Chemistry reports that the alumni of that department desire to have portraits of Professor S. W . Parr, Professor W . A. Noyes and Professor A. W . Palmer painted by Professor C. E. Bradbury of the Department of Art, and to present them to the University to be hung in the Chemistry Library. A committee of the faculty appointed to pass upon the artistic quality of these portraits, in accordance with the rules of the Board governing the acceptance of objects of art, reports that these portraits will be entirely acceptable from that point of view and accordingly I recommend the approval of the project. O n m o t i o n of M r s . Grigsby, this project w a s a p p r o v e d . APPROVAL OF VARIOUS PURCHASES (31) A report of the approval of the following purchases, amounting to #1,000 or over, since the last report was made to the Board: 1. Five hundred and fifty cases of paper towels for the year 1931-32 for the Physical Plant Storeroom from the Scott Paper Company at a price of $1,897.50. 2. Certain x-ray equipment for the College of Medicine from the General Electric X-Ray ABacteriology, to beincubator, costingp'usand additional $50 for installation. low temperatures on at a price of $1,267.45 approximately $2,500, for the effect of ment3. Corporation bacteria. in investigation an teaching involving of low-temperature used Depart-