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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
iojl] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 285 department or unit of the University's organization, and as his work is in a way unique, and inasmuch as he does no teaching, I see no objection to approving his request. I therefore recommend that the President of the University be authorized to arrange with Dr. Hieronymus the details of continuing him in service either on part time or on full time. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, the President w a s authorized to continue D r . H i e r o n y m u s in service for one year. REAPPROPRIATION OF UNEXPENDED BALANCES (15) A recommendation from the Comptroller, in which I concur, that the following estimated unencumbered balances from the year 1930-31 be reappropriated as of July 1, 1931, to cover the expenses of work and transactions which will not have been completed by June 30, the close of the fiscal year: ESTIMATED BALANCES AS OF JUNE 30, iq3i TO BE REAPPROPRIATED Administration Entrance Examinations. $ 2 000 00 Publishers Trade List 50 00 Editing and Printing Laws and Regulations 1 701 75 George Washington Bicentennial 500 00 Library Student Reading Room 807 71 $ 5 059 46 Agriculture Industrial Agricultural Research ?I4 059 63 Soil Survey Reports—Printing 1 720 87 Dairy Creamery 7 940 86 H o m e Economics Cafeteria 2 018 21 Extension Revolving Fund 9 023 53 #34 763 10 Liberal Arts and Sciences Special Equipment for Incubator in Bacteriology $ 2 500 00 Special Equipment for Sociology 300 00 $ 2 800 00 Graduate School—Research—Dr. Thomas ? 91 10 $ 91 10 Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy Medical Special Equipment—Anatomy Museum $ 321 50 Medical Special Equipment—Pathology Museum 100 00 Dental Graduate Orthodontia I 953 63 Survey of Schools of Pharmacy 10000 $ 2 475 13 Other Schools and Colleges Bureau of Business Research—Special $ 480 00 Military Clothing and Equipment 3 798 21 Military Overcoats 6 025 04 Jio 303 25 Land and Buildings President's House ? 4 685 84 President's House—Furnishings 5 647 05 Chemistry Building Alterations 1 564 83 Engineering Library Remodeling 218 43 Land: Mt. Hope Cemetery #6 000 00 Roselawn Cemetery 733 72 $ 6 733 72 $18 849 87 On motion of Dr. Aye, Mr.Mr. Emmerson,Trees,Hopkins. Totalnone; absent, Mr. Blair, these balancesBarr, Mr. Barrett, no, ?74 341 91vote: Noble, Armstrong, Mr. were reappropriated, by the following Mrs. Grigsby, Dr. Noble, Mr. Mrs. Mr. Williams; Mrs. Evans,
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