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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
274 B O A R D O F TRUSTEES [June 15 Fourth Year A. se, Life Painting 3 A. ;f, Life Painting 3 A. 6e, Portrait or Tech. elective 3 A. 6f, Portrait or Tech. elective 3 A. 2g, Composition (mural) or 10c, LandA. 2h, Composition (mural) or rod, Landscape 3 scape 3 A. 17, Aesthetics 2 A. IS, Technical Elective 2 Academic Elective 5 Academic Elective 5 16 16 SUMMARY Year Technical Non-technical Total Freshman 16 18 34 Sophomore.... 18 15 33 Junior 20-24 14-10 34 Senior 20 12 32 74-78 59-55 133 O n m o t i o n of M r s . Grigsby, this curriculum w a s a p p r o v e d . APPOINTMENT OF ACTING DEAN OF COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS A N D SCIENCES (13) A recommendation that Dean Arthur H. Daniels of the Graduate School be appointed Acting Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences beginning September 1, 1931, and continuing until a successor to Dean Babcock has been appointed and takes office. Dean Daniels will continue in the Deanship of the Graduate School. On motion of Mr. Armstrong, this appointment was made as recommended. RETIREMENT OF DEAN THOMAS ARKLE CLARK (14) Under the rules of the Board, Dean Thomas Arkle Clark will retire from active service at the end of the present academic year. H e reached the retiring age last year but, because it was not desirable to make a change in that office at the beginning of a new general administration of the University, he was continued for one year. Provision for Dean Clark's retirement will be made in the budget to be submitted to the Board at a future date, but I desire to call attention in this formal w a y to his retirement. Dean Clark has asked m e to express to the Board his appreciation of the opportunity he has had during the past forty years to serve the University in various capacities. It is perhaps unnecessary for m e to call the attention of your Board to the distinction with which Dean Clark has served the University throughout all these years and that his work has been in m a n y ways outstanding. H e was, I believe, the first dean of m e n in any college or university in the country and his work in that capacity has served as an example to other institutions in developing their various forms of personnel service. This report was received for record. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING DEAN OF MEN (15) A recommendation that Mr. Fred H. Turner, Assistant Dean of M e n since September 1, 1923, be appointed Acting Dean of Men for one year from September 1, 1931, at a salary of $4,750. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this appointment was made. APPOINTMENT OF MR. FRANK W. DeWOLF AS PROFESSOR OF G E O L O G Y A N D HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT (16) A recommendation that Mr. Frank W . DeWolf, formerly Chief of the Geological Survey, be appointed Professor of Geology, on indefinite tenure, and Head of the Department of Geology for one year beginning September 1, 1931, at a salary of $8,000 a year. O n motion of M r . Trees, this appointment w a s m a d e .
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