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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

IIO COLLEGE OF SCIENCE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION BY YEARS AND TERMS The following list of prescribed studies and major electives shows the terms in which the principal studies of the natural science group must be taken. The prescribed studies, which are in italics, must be taken also in the year indicated. Students intending to' graduate from a specialized course should begin the study of their special subjects at the earliest time practicable. FIRST YEAR 1. Art and Design i; Chemistry i; Military I, 2; Physical Training 1; Trigonometry (Math. 3); Zoology 10, 11. 2. Chemistry 3a; Military 1, 2; Physical Training 1; Advanced Algebra (Math. 1); Zoology 1, 2, 3. 3. Analytical Geometry (Math. 6); Art and Design 2; Botany 6; Chemistry 3b, 4; Entomology, Practical (Zool. 8); Military 2; Physical Training 1; Zoology 1, 2. SECOND YEAR 1. Botany 1; German 1; Military 2; Mineralogy 1; Physics 1, 3; Zoology 1, 3, 5, 10, 11. 2. Botany 1; Embryology (Zool. 4); Entomology (Zool. 6); Geology 1; German 1; Military 2; Physics 1, 3; Physiology 1. 3. Botany 1; Entomology (Zool. 6); Geology 1; German 8; Military 2; Physics 1, 3; Physiology 1. THIRD YEAR 1. Bacteriology (Bot. 2); Botany 3; Entomology, Advanced (Zool. 7); Geology 1; German 6; Physiology 2; Rhetoric 2; Zoology 1, io, 11. 2. Botany 3; German 6; Mineralogy 2; Paleontology 1; Physiology 2; Rhetoric 2; Zoology 4 (Embryology), 5, 6 (Entomology), 7. 3. Botany 4; German 6; Mineralogy 2; Paleontology 1; Physiology 2; Rhetoric 2; Zoology 5, 6 (Entomology), 7, 8. FOURTH YEAR 1. Thesis (Bot. 5; Geol. 2; Zool. 9). 2. Thesis (Bot. 5; Geol. 2; Physiol. 3; Zool. 9). 3- Mineralogy 2; Paleontology 1; Thesis (Bot. 5; Geol. 2; Physiol. 3; Zool. 9).
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