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Caption: Course Catalog - 1886-1887 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

School of Civil Engineering. SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. OBJECTS OF THE SCHOOL. 51 The school is designed to furnish a course of theoretical instruction, accompanied and illustrated by a large amount of practice, which will enable the student to enter intelligently upon the various and important duties of the civil engineer. INSTRUCTION-. The student should lay a broad foundation in general culture, which will enable him to pursue his professional studies with greater ease and advantage. With this view the subjects peculiar to civil engineering are not introduced until the second year. The instruction is given by lectures, text books, and reading, to which are added numerous problems and practical exercises, as serving best to explain subjects completely and fix them in mind. Models and instruments are continually used, both in lectures and by the students themselves. COURSE OF STUDIES. •The complete course occupies four years. The studies of the first three years will prepare students for undertaking many engineering operations, such as making land and topo graphical surveys, building railroads, canals, embankments, etc. The fourth year is intended to fit ihem for higher engineering operations, such as making geodetic surveys, building arches, trussed bridges, and supporting frames of all kinds. The order of studies as given by the year and term in the tabular view of the course, should be closely followed so that the student may avoid interference of hours of recitation, and because the studies are there given in the order which best meets the preparation of the student. TECHNICAL STUDIES. Astronomy. Descriptive Astronomy is given with a text book. The equatorial telescope is in constant use during favorable weather. Practical astronomy is given by lectures and practical work with the alt-azimuth instrument, the astronomical transit, the sextant, and the engineer's transit adapted to astronomical calculations. It includes the instruments and their adjustment, the determination of time, latitude, longitude, and azimuth.
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