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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

798 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Schwartz, W . R., degree, 714 Schnepp, K. H., degree, 240 Schweers, M . F., appointment, 534 Schnitxer, F. J., degree, 225 Schwendemann, E. T., commission, 724 Schock, K. E., degree, 232 degree, 711 Schoenbrod, S. G., degree, 709 Schwied, S., certificate, 241 Schoneld, B. J., degree, 709 Schye, V. H., degree, 723 SchOfield, F. M „ degree, 711 Sconce, H. J., appointments, 356, 598 Scholars, appointments, 159. 213. 575. 59'. 608 Scorah, R. L., appointments, 180, 303, 652 Scholarship requirements, law, 566 Scott, C. M., appointments, 287, 636 non-Illinois students, 472 Scott, E. B., degree, 500 Scholarships, Allerton, awarded, 81, 245, 605 Scott, G. E., degree, 410 Economics of Public Utilities, gift of, 563 Scott, G. W., degree, 715 Plym, appointments, 511, 599 Scott, H., appointments, 277, 577, 625 President's, 600 Scott, H. W., commission, 235 Rea, regulations, 198 degree, 220 Smith, regulations changed, 115 Scott, J. P., degree, 226 Wallace, E. A., appointments, 704 Scott, K. M., appointments, in, 296 report of fund, 4, 10, 382, 704 Scholarships and Fellowships, Graduate School, Scott, L. L., degree, 60 Scott, M . C , degree, 232 appropriation, 1920-30, 134 Scott, M . M., degree, 723 •^ojo-ji, 508 Scott, P. B., appointment, 356 Schommer, N. C , Jr., C. P. A. certificate, 479 School Board Association, Illinois State, resolu- Scott, R. B., C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Scott, R. L., degree, 223 tion, 136 Scott Sanitary Sewer, rebate on, 417, 449, 512, 581 Scholl, P., contract lease, 384 Scott, S. W., C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Schooley, F. E., appointments, 427, 627, 644 Scott, W . P., degree, 132 degree, 410 Scovill, H. T., appointments, 295, 503, 645 Schoolman, J. G-, degree, 709 Screens, Library and Lincoln Hall, contract, 194 Schoonmaker, D. W., degree, 409 Scrimger, M . J., degree, 720 Schoonmaker, E. M., appointment, 89 Scripps, J. L., degree, 220 Schoonmaker, S. S., appointments, 321, 671 Scuderi, C. S., appointments, 427, 443. 679, 680 Schori, J. W., certificate, 241 degree, 347 Schori, W . K., degree, 724 Scull, C. W., degree, 497 Schorr, A. M., degree, 455 Sculpture, exhibition of Grand Central Galleries, Schorr, H. J., certificate, 241 401 Schott, L. A., degree, 232 Seager, L. D., appointment, 331 Schour, I., appointments, 333, 685 degree, 389 Schowengerdt, W . H., degree, 347 Sealock, R- B., degree, 720 Schrader, C. W . H.. commission, 234 Seaman, A. L., degree, 221 degree, 225 Seaman, W . M., scholarship, 591 Schrader, H. J., appointments, 304, 653 Searcy, E. M., awarded Plym Scholarship, 511 Schrader, Mrs. M., appointments, 312, 662 Sears, O. H., appointments, 310, 660 Schreiber, A. C , degrees, 709, 718 Sears, S. W., degree, 723 Schreiber, A. M., appointments, 315, 317, 664 Seaton, R. M., appointment, 534 title, 93 Seavey, A. M „ degree, 713 Schreiber, P. R., degree, 718 Seavey, J. B., degree, 224 Schreiber, S., certificate, 241 Seay, H., scholarship, 160 Schreiber, W . I., appointment, 427 Sebat, J. E., degree, 228 Schriber, G., degree, 35 Second, A. W.t appointments, 288, 637 Schroeder, F. R „ degree, 709 salary, 2 Schroeder, H. B., degree, 227 Secretary of Board, delegation of signature, 143, Schroeder, J. F., degree, 716 537, Schroeder, J. M., degree, 227 elected, 142, 537 Schroeder, M . H., appointment, 626 Sectional Committee on Cast Iron Pipe, 84, 116 Schroeder, M . L., degree, 709 Securities, study of, 74 Schroeder, P. L., appointment, 346 Schulz, C.J..E.,L.,P.degree, 732 321, 685, Schultz, H.,M., Cappointments, 356 304, Schuham,D.F.degree,degree, 333. 685 504, Schuemann,R.,L.,,appointments,302,479 671 Schubert,W.E.Mappointments, 23041344.652 504, Schrum, WE..J.,,degree, 732 718 303, 653 696 654 Sedgwick,.S.A.,degree,241715282, 168, 343 Schwab, MR. L., degree, 711 Schuster,H., B. degree, certificate, Schurr, F.,F., H., A.35713 Schureman, J., degree, 243 Schumacher,Cdegree, 243221 Schulte, F.C.A.,C.degree,240 724\i\, Schwartz, A. E.t degree,220 Schwann, F. R., appointment, Schutz, E. A. commission, Schunk, L., CM.,appointments, Schwalbe, 717E., degree,220 degree, W . H.,, G. J., A.,F., 2437r6 130 716 Seid, R. W.,W.,degree,legal Seibert,M 710Bonds,not409 Seger,onion,appointments, Seeruys,H.131C degree,131 Seeraann, appointment,220 Seely,L.,CE.,H.,commission, for, Secley,F.E.M-,,20,degree,233 304, Seefeldt,ME.D.,appointments,732 Seedorf,C.FF.,degree, 243 709297 654 Seed,WB.,alsoE.,appointment,Comptroller Seeber,H.R.G.,degree, 228 225725 122 See, bondscertificate,Funds, 521 631 Selden, C. Seitz, ,S., 562 709 Seiter, B., Seiger, E.H., as 712 Seifert, J.R. 561,appointments, Seidler, L.223G., certificate, Seider, funds, degree,150, Seem, .C. .listeddegree, 717 Seinfeld, F., 74. 331 trust degree, See 226 709
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