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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 797 Ryburn, L. F.r degree, 714 Saunders, M« A., appointment, 281 Rylander, A- F., degree, 711 degree, 390 Saberman, M. I., degree, 240 Saunders, R. T., degree, 220 Sabin, A. L., degree, 500 Savage and Kurt, insurance, 80 Sabo, J. P., appointments, 98, 324, 674 Savage, T. E., appointments, 289, 639 Sachar, A. L-, appointment, n o Sawdey, E. J., degree, 725 Sachs, M. R., degree, 501 Sawtell, R. B., degree, 225 Sachs Residency in Tuberculosis, offer of, 545 Sawyer, A. L., appointments, 329, 681 Sacks, H. A., certificate, 732 Sawyer, H. L., degree, 709 Sacks, M. F,, appointment, 647 Sax, B., degree, 734 deeree, 713 Sayle, W . F., degree, 732 Sadler, E. P., appointment, 395 Saylor, C. E., degree, 36 Saenz, H. S., appointments, 293, 503, 642 Saylor, G. M., degrees, 498, 720 Safes, Departments of Chemistry and Agronomy, Scanlan, M. M., appointments, 335, 687 447 Schaede, C- F., degree, 243 College of Medicine, 448 Schaede, F. W., appointments, 65, 285, 634 Safford, E, H., degree, 227 Schaefer, E. F., degree, 714 Sage, L. L., appointment, 640 Schaefer, E. G., degree, 714 Sage, T. F,, degree, 223 Schaefer, J. T., degree, 713 Sager, E. I., degree, 734 Schaefer, O., C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Sahlin, L. G., degree, 222 Schafer, O. M., degree, 232 Sain, E. M., appointments, 180, 324 Schafer, R. W., degree, 717 St. Joseph High School, practice teaching, 8 Schaffer, O. G., appointments, 316, 665 St. Julian, R. R., degree, 239 Schaffner, J. H., statement, 80 St. Louis Lightning Rod Co., Materials Testing Schatz, G., degree, 347 Laboratory contract, 263 Scheel, H. A. E,, degree, 714 Sakofsky, A., degree, 243 Scheerer, E. J., degree, 720 Salary adjustments, 441 Scheerer, G. C. C , appointment, 638 Camp, W . J. R., 454 SchefTel, L. A., Jr., degree, 734 Nedzel, A. J\, 508 Scheffler, R., appointment, 599 Trimble, H. I)., 400 Scheib, D. F., degree, 220 Salisbury, E. V., degree, 709 Scheib, D. G., degree, 220 Salkeld, J. F., degree, 220 Schellie, K. L., degree, 718 Sallee, R. M , degree, 129 Schenck, H., appointments, 638, 645 Sallemi, J. B-, degree, 226 Schenck, V. L., degree, 220 Saltiel, T. P., appointments, 343, 695 Schenk Coal Company, contract, 2 Saltpeter investigation, report, 7 Scher, V, H., degree, 243 Satnmone, C. B., degree, 734 Schermerhorn, I. W., degree, 232 Sampson, M., degree, 131 Scheuermann L. N., appointments, 303, 653 Samsel, P. E., appointments, 2S6, 636 degree, 238 Sandberg, I., degree, 240 Scheve, C. J., degree, 714 Sandberg, S. R.. C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Schiller, M . A., certificate, 241 Sander, R. G., degree, 712 Schilling, E. C , degree, 222 Sanders, E. M M degree, 723 Schilling, E. J., degree, 232 Sanders, F. W., degree, 222 Schilz, C. E., appointments, 286, 635 Sanders, H. M., degree, 710 degree, 389 Sanders, H. P., commission, 234 Schimpff, G. W., appointment, 40 degree, 232 Schlake, VV., appointment, 114 Sanders, J. M., appointments, 609, 644 Schindler, J. A., degree, 500 Sanders, W . B., degree, 224 Schlarman, C. E., appointments, 311, 661 Sanders, W . H., appointments, 112, 303, 504, 653 Schlatter, C. F., appointments, 295, 503, 645 Sandford, W . P., appointments, no, 287, 502, 637 Schlegel, K. W., appointments, 327, 679 Sandin, E. V., appointments, no, 2S8, 502, 638 degree, 500 Sands, J. W . E., degree, 388 Schlenz, H. E., appointments, 180, 301 Sandwel!, M., appointment, 631 degree, 237 Saunders, A.Company, hardware contracts, Saul, G. F.L., degree,409 541 287, Sauer,ChemistryR.,gift 71833605 297, Satin,W.,F.A.M.,Annex, 723577 312 592 Satala, V.G.P.,D.,appointment, 153 510 Sass, E.L.E.S.,degree, for, 72766533, 646 79 Santee,M.C.227,ofdegree,223240281, 630295, 637, 645Schneider,Edwardcommission,714 113, i34t653 505, Sattgast, degree, degree, Sattenstein, W., appointments, Sash, H. W,, 497 Sarnoff, A.,C-, degree, 228 Sarkissian,H., S.,2 degree, Sargent research, gift for, Sapora, contract,degree, contract, Sanmann, J., appointment, Sanitary J.230 degree, 243 220 Sanford,K.239 appointments, Sanfilippo,K.,G.,appointment, Sandy, and P. O.,appointments, steel, F., degree, H. 497 degrees, A. degree, continuation E., appointment, P., Schnepp,also.M.,appointments,558 697 Schneiter,Elmer,appointment,326 41, 65, 312 Schneck, N.,M.J.,Cdegree,232 234 Schnebly,onA.F.,appointment,345, Schnauber,226Cdegree,appointments, 304, Schmidt, F.M.,D.,degree, 61732667 311 321* Schmalhausen,J.,degree, 713 715 Schlundt, D.E.,M.,commission, 65, Schlesinger,H.E.,D.,degree,224 675 Schmarr, H. G.,Cdegree, E.226 Schlots, F. sludgedegree, 389 degree, J.,Babbitt, 710 230 patent F.,E., appointments, 671 A. M,, , digestion, See J. I., appointments, 716 appointments, MJ. appointment,734 E. I., ,degree,220 M. A., degree,720 E. E., H. 408
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