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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 763 Garrett, O. F., appointments, 313, 662 Gerhold, E. V. E., degree, 726 degree, 497 Gerhold, R. E., degree, 224 Garrett, R. P., certificate, 241 Gerlach, E„ appointments, 332, 684 Garrison, F. D.f degree, 218 Gerlach, O. B., degree, 715 Garrison, L. E., degree, 723 German, budget, expense, 283, 633 Gartung, F. K., degree, 226 salary, 290, 639 Garver, W . K-, appointments, 280, 628 gift to, 161 Garvey, N. F., degree, 60 German brick architecture, pictures given, 366 Garvin, T., degree, 498 German, F. C , degree, 34 Garwick, C. E., appointment, 29s Germano, R. M., degree, 733 Gas, high pressure, gift for research, 52, 11H, 583, Germer, A. E., Jr., appointment, 38 605 Gernon, J. T., degrees, 62, 455 Gas, Illinois, manufacture of, 84 Gershon, S., certificate, 734 Gas combustion, effect of products on flues, 267, Gerwig, F. W., degree, 222 383, 597 Getz, A. M., degree, 130 Gas from cornstalks, see Cellulose digestion Geweke, A., appointments, 356, 599 Gases,flue,prevention of corrosion by, 83, 540, 597 Ghent, N. L., degree, 218 Gaskina, T. O., degree, 711 Gholson, E. H., degree, 242 Gasoline crane, purchase, 405, 432 Gibbons, J, J., Jr., appointments, 304. 425, 504, Gasser, J., appointments, 97, 392 653 Gassman, E. A., degree, 235 degree, 729 Gaston, F. M., degree, 717 Gibbs, M . M., degree, 221 Gasul, B. M.t appointments, 343, 69s Gibbs, W . J. P., degree, 715 Gates, G- H., degree, 223 Giberson, I. W „ degree, 228 Gates, M . H., appointments, 152, 180, 289 Gibson, A. L., degree, 229 degree, 406 Gibson, B. H., degree, 235 Gates, R. I., degree, 221 fellowships, 160, 576 Gateways to campus, plan for, 184 Gibson, L. L., appointments, 301, 651 Gathercoal, E. N., appointments, 3 34, 686 Gibson, M., degree, 708 Gathinge, E., degree, 719 Gibson, R. C , commission, 234 Gauerke, H. J., appointment, 290 degree, 224 Gauger, G. W., degree, 61 Gibson, S. J., degree, 218 Gault, W , C-, commission, 724 Giddinga, J. A., appointments, 180, 288, 638 degree, 712 Gier, J. B-, certificate, 732 Gaunt, G., degree, 233 Giertz, M . E., degree, 406 Gay, E. D.( certificate, 732 Giesecke, M „ appointments, 38, 469, 675, 735 Gdalman, L., certificate, 734 Gifford, J. M,, degree, 225 Gears, gift, 69 Gifford, W . D., appointment, 392 Gebhart, H. C., appointments, 325, 676 Gifts, AUerton, R., 81, 450 Gegel, H. B., degree. 715 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 605 Gehant, W . D., degree, 61 American Can Company, 366, 450 Gehlbach, M . E., degree, 708 American Medical Association, 148 Geisert., H. L., degrees, 218, 727 refund of, 519 Geissendoerfer, J. T., appointments, no, 290, 639 American Railway Engineering Association, 584 Geist, H, W., degree, 222 American Society of Civil Engineers, 252, 605 Gelfand, L., degree, 133 Baker, J. T., Chemical Company, 605 General Assembly, appropriation for visit, 145 Bauer and Black, 605 University Acts, 340 Bayne, B., 81 General Chemical Company, contract, 543, 562 B'nai B'rith, 545 General Chemical Storeroom, purchase of laboBogusch, E. R., 252, 584 ratory materials, 588 Brooks, M „ 564 General Electric Company, Coffin Fellowship, 605 Brown, A, B., 199 gift, 252 Brown Memorial, 73 turbine order, 79 Cadillac Motor Car Company, 438 General Electric Supply Corporation, contract, 254 Calumet Baking Powder Company, 541 General Washingtoncooperation180, well problems, Gerhold,Talkingsurgery, 82 277, faculty,gift, 696 ChemicalElectricPrizeFoundation,149. 365,10 GeologicalE.»P.,degree,Drawing,356, balance 545 Gentry, Electricappointments,for633598 expense, Gentilini,WKunz,degree,715 283,on 324, 674reapGenito-Urinary474expense,Corporation, contract, Gere, also515College,request 624 Gerbosi, J. M., appointments, books, Gerard, Engineeringdegree, Geology,K.Survey,suit, 364 Company, 344, Gentile, L,C.,,research,Lamp237budget, 599 Georgetown„417613 Bicentennial, GeorgeG. C. 289,Vapor501 George, J.,651 G.,257 730 laboratory appointments, cooperativedegree, See royalties,CbringJ. request of,Cdegree, 733 default budget,Picturesclinical salary, fees,639 canceled, 437 649 to 449, propriated, 148 Clark,R.F.W.,Works, 6969,118, 606 Centralportrait,Manufacturing 438,563 545 Carr,ofJ.Company,of,Fund,96 Company, 563 Carey,Theatreand81541Service123 605 General Charlesof, 450 form MetalD., 161 Company. Forbes,C. portrait Sons Company, FleischmannA.,118584 Lamp Dempster Foundation, of, Cowan,T.605530,Vapor81 513606 CommonwealthGuild, 10, 118, 161 476 Cold 583.Poetryportrait545584 Company, 450, Coffin,G.,F.,Process for,10, 252 583 horse chestnuts,Chicago, Gleason J.A.,Yeast Field Museum, 161 Company, English recognition Incorporated, DuPont Illinois Public Huff, Hottes, de M., Edison Hays, C.C. 564 Grinnell Gear A., Green S.Mill 10, Illini Huyck, F., 253 continuation Company, Nemours,
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