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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

740 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Appropriations, cont'd. Anderson, G, M., degree, 60 Archaeological explorations, 79, ri4, 157, 336, Anderson, H. M., degree, 733 539, 693 Anderson, H. W „ appointments, 315, 665 balance reappropriated, 614 Anderson, I. T., degree, 719 Architecture Building, 93 Anderson, J. A., appointments, 296, 645 art collection, special, 693 degree, 406 art objects, 46 Anderson, John C , degree, 499 Bacteriology, 578 Anderson, Joshua C , appointments, 310, 660 balances reappropriated, 246, 271, 613 Anderson, K. M., degree, 347 beef cattle receipts, 6 Anderson, L-, degree, 721 Board of Trustees audit, 187 Anderson, M . H., degree, 719 Botany, 246 Anderson, M . J., degree, 719 budget, 1929-30, approved, 272 Anderson, Margaret L., degree, 227 1930-31, approved, 618 Anderson, Mildred L., degree, 231 buildings, new, 269 Anderson, M . V., C. P. A. certificate, 479 Bureau of Business Research, 246 Anderson, O. M., degree, 719 cashier in Dispensary, 440 Anderson, R., degree, 731 Ceramics Building, 337 Anderson, Robert H., degree, 716 Chemistry, 157 Anderson, Russell H., degree, 239 research in, 539 Anderson, T. M., degree, 228 Chemistry experiments building, 85 Anderson, W., Jr.. degree, 222 Clayton-Bennington district assessment, 73 Anderson, Walter E., degree, 130 committee on selecting a president, 423 Anderson, William E., certificate, 241 Cook County Experiment Station, 199 Anderson, W . W., degree, 716 Dairy Barn roof, 7 Andrews, A. 1., appointments, 301, 650 death benefits, Blackwell, M . L., 575 promotion, 2 Chadsey, C. E., 558 Andrews, D. H., degree, 233 Crandall, C. S., 416, 434 Andrews, F. L., degree, 237 Crathorne, F., 358 Andrews, J. B., appointments, 314, 3t7, 663, 667 Crouch, W . M., 5 Andrews, R. S., degree, 707 Cummins, W . A., 260, 271 Andrushes, E. B., appointments, 3 28, 680 Drake, R. J., 145 Andrzelcyzk, H. W., degree, 733 Emmel. V. E., 85 Anell, E., appointments, 281, 629 Goodenough, G. A., 399 Angus, W . S„ degree, 721 Hayes, E. C , 5 Animal Hospitals, budget, expense, 326, 678 Kaiser, W . F., 157 salary, 327, 679 additional, 188 Animal Husbandry, Abattoir, 47 Murphey, R. E., 357 advisory committees, 356, 598 Sparks, M . E., 134 appropriations, 6, 113 Dental Building bonds, 163, 357 of income, 596 Dentistry, College of, 78 of receipts, 189 research, 358 budget, expense, 307, 657 special, 693 Pumell salary, 317, 667 drawings, new buildings, 78 salary, 311, 661 Education Building, 337 laboratory fees, 249 Electrical Engineering, repairs in department, purchase of calves, 432, 544 447 Storage House, 47 Electrical Engineering Laboratory, 94, 431 Animal Pathology, appropriations, 189 employment of chaperons, 461 Animal Pathology Laboratory, appropriation, 246 Engineering, special, 693 Annual Register, contracts for printing, 9S, 120, Federation of Illinois Colleges convention, 188 453. 477 forestry, 78 Anthony, A. C , degree, 500 General Assembly visit, 145 Anthropology, work in, 352 graduate scholarships and fellowships, 134, 508 "Anti-knock" patent rights released, 69 Graduate School, special, 693 Antiseptic properties of the skin, 583 Appearances,H.,improvement,special,189 97, 267 Antonides,Husbandry,246,698 gymnasium, 355 125, Appropriations,budget,receipts, 272 Applegate,Directory, 707 539 rescinded, Appleby,,President, 1029, released, 693 Apple, 348,Session,contract,469.40275, 524, 86 App,actioncase,A., degree,will, 63, regulation, Apartmentsappointment,1029-30, 113, 213, 532, 548, History Union,133, and357 270 446Philology, 157 Antitoxins,501McCartney 225 86179.58788, 244, 256, JournalService,59493Laboratories, 269 Appointments,C students, 109 480, Alumni Pathology,lists, general Voodry R.G.October246 1928, Animal 342, Agriculture, Anatomy,R. ,degree, 36, Summer of398694 '61. 167. clinical, News,959 rights 35 byfor577. 591. 608, 735 income patent596 special,from,151. 13, 1030*31,390, 423, 442, 1030. 146. B.Cgeneral theA., for 138, degree, 693 618 lighting of ofE., salary,Germanic legalstorage 260special,A, landscaping,shed,Sciences, Janvrin,to Campus 478693 insurance, 187Dentalbuildings, inspection Agriculture,145 H., 336, insectary,C.Chicago special,special, 693 injuries Arts271113 Plan,346 6,7 honorariums,and188246houses, 270 693 Lincoln and Daniels, Library,assessments, Liberal bust,rooming Jones A.of employees, Healthproperty, hay services,78 Hall,Library,134 387 greenhouses, 386 J., Medical English Law IndustrialR., Illinois 133 C. Illinium Research, Horticulture,6 receipts, Stadium, Roseberry,
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