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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

6o2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 10 TRIBUTE OF STUDENTS TO PRESIDENT K1NL.EY Mr. Blair read the following tribute presented by the students of the University to President David Kinley. On motion of Mr. Blair, the Secretary was instructed to incorporate this tribute in the minutes of the Board. TO: DAVID KINLEY PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS The students of the University, through us their representatives, present to you this scroll as you are about to retire from the Presidency of the University after your long and eventful period of devoted and distinguished service as Professor, Dean, and President. W e would express our deep appreciation and gratitude for your unremitting and watchful care for our best welfare. W e would convey to [you] our abiding esteem, our best wishes and our hope to share in forwarding the great work for the University to which you have so nobly and generously given these many fruitful years. Henry W. Meers President of the Student Council Vernon L. Kretschmer President of the Illinois Union Elizabeth DeBerard President of the Woman's League M a y Twenty-Eighth Nineteen Hundred and Thirty MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINJLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. TAFT LECTURESHIP FUND (i) A report that subscriptions to the Taft Lectureship Fund amounting to $26,Clark, S. J. Duncan, Chicago Alumni Fund, Chicago 306.50 have been received to date from the Dickerson, J. below, assuring the condonors listed D., Chicago Raymond, Mrs. J. N., Chicago templated E. C , Jr., Peoria Jessup, Theodore, Chicago Heidrich, endowment for these lectures. Most of these subscriptions have been paid and payment of Oregon on July 1, 1930: Lowden, F. O., the others has been promised Nelson, Oscar, Geneva Sale, L. 0., Fisher Gilster, Albert, Chester Stoddard, Melita, Minonk Abbott, W . L., Chicago Woman's Club, Rochelle Hines, Edward L., Chicago Trimble, Cairo A., Princeton Riddle, Miss Mary, Chicago Donn, Nellie & Group, Canton Trenchard, Geo. R., DeLand Oakford, A. W., Peoria Dennis, Chas., Chicago Caldwell, Dr. Delia, Carbondale Cheney, Dr. H. W., Chicago Carr, Robert F., Chicago Goode, J. Paul, Chicago Butterworth, Win., Moline Hauberg, John H,, Rock Island Ingersoll, Mrs. C. E., Canton Igoe, Michael, Chicago Smith, Mrs. D. C , Normal Meharry, Chas., Attica, Indiana Ryerson, Martin L., Chicago Orendorff, U. G., Canton Sutcliff, Mrs. Gary, Chicago Rees, Thos., Springfield Logan, Frank G., Chicago Sunny, B. E., Chicago Schmidt, Dr. Otto, Chicago Walker, Nellie, Chicago Woodruff, George, Chicago Glandon, Ed., Pittsfield Barr, George A., Joliet Joy, Verne, Centralia Clarkson, Ralph, Chicago Millard, E. L., Chicago Goodman, W m . A., Chicago Abell, Ralph, Elgin Hutchinson, Mrs. C. L., Chicago Bogan, W . J., Chicago
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