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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 603 McManus, Robert, Chicago Woman's Club, Lawrenceville Norris, Lester, St. Charles Ahern, Mary E., Chicago Peterson, Chas., Chicago Eyerly, Mrs. Charlotte, Aurora Scheidenhelm, Ed. L., Chicago Jacques, Bertha, Chicago Ickes, Mrs. Harold L., Hubbard Woods McCauley, Lena, Chicago Capron, H. S., Champaign Smith, Alice, Bloom Heath, Will A., Chicago Briggs, Jennie, Minier Lott, Mr. and Mrs. C. W., Elmwood Abell, Claudia, Elgin Rugg, Fred, Champaign Drury, F. K. W., Chicago Bane, Lita, Philadelphia, Pa. Booth, C. S., C a m p Point Buttenheim, Harold, N e w York City Dayton, Carolyn, Flora Cornelius, J. F., Chicago Gale, Mrs. Henry G., Chicago Dunlap, Mrs. H. J., Kankakee Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Solomon, Danville Jones, Isabel, Champaign Moorehead, Warren G., Andover, Priestley, H. H., Princeton Mass. Sears, Nathaniel, Elgin Roselle, E. N., Mooseheart Williams, Mrs. and Group, Joliet Stalker, Clara L, Chicago Bennett, Chas. A., Peoria Vaile, Dr. and Mrs. E. 0., Rochelle Art Auxiliary, Rochelle Willett, Dr. H. L., Wilmette Fiske, Horace Spencer, Chicago Woman's Club, Joliet Burchard, Edward L., Chicago Bowman, L. A., Chicago Dadant, Valentine, Hamilton Frields, Mrs. Eva, Quincy Davis, Dr. D. J., Chicago Laworn, J. B., Chicago Finley, John H., N e w York City Reeve, Mrs. Darlene S., Princeton House, Mrs. and Group, Kankakee Woods, Mrs. Chas., Lincoln McKelvey, Mrs. S. A., Sparta Lauterback, M r . and Mrs. W . E., Parks, Mrs. A. S., Chicago Kewanee Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur, Peoria Baird, Mrs. Fred R., River Forest Schwartz, Mrs. Fannie, Salem McCracken, Mrs. Marta, Paxton Wilkinson, Dr. and Mrs. C. E., DanLieber, Mrs. Gertrude, Winnetka ville I recommend that these gifts be accepted and constituted the endowment of the Taft Lectureship Fund. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. CONTRIBUTION TO TAFT LECTURESHIP FUND FROM ALUMNI FUND (2) The Alumni Association has subscribed $5,000 from the Alumni Fund to the Taft Lectureship Fund. The officers of the Association have delivered to m e an order directing their banker to turn over to the University securities, in the amount of f 5,000, in the Alumni Fund as follows: Central Maine Power Company First & General Mortgage J j 4 % Gold Bond Series "C", par value $2500 LaClede Gas & Light Company First Mortgage Collateral Refunding $ } 4 % Gold Bond, M-1280, Series "C", par value 500 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 5 % First Mortgage & Collateral Trust Bond, par value 1000 Puget Sound Power & Light Company First & Refunding Mortgage $ H % Gold Bond, Series "A" 1000 85000 On motion of Mr. Trees, the President of the University was authorized to accept these securities for the purpose given a n d to deposit t h e m with the Treasurer. BIDS ON WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM (3) A report from the Supervising Architect that the bids for the general contract for the Woman'scould not be constructed as planned within thethat it was evident that building Gymnasium received on June 7, were so high appropriation.
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