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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I93°l U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 527 leaders from all parts of this country and those w h o have watched his work closely were unanimous in their commendation of his ability and his capacity tofillthe position of President of the University of Illinois. President and Mrs. Chase recently visited the University, upon the invitation of your committee, and spent two days on the campus. They were entertained while at the University by President and Mrs. Kinley. At a meeting recently held, attended by the Faculty Committee, Alumni C o m mittee, Committee of the Board of Trustees and several members of the Board of Trustees w h o are not members of its Special Committee, it was the unanimous opinion of all of those present, that President Chase should be offered the presidency of the University of Illinois. Your committee therefore recommends that Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase, now President of the University of North Carolina, be elected President of the University of Illinois to take office before the beginning of the next school year, the exact time to be determined by the Board after conference with President Kinley and Dr. Chase. Your committee wishes to express its thanks to President Kinley for his very helpful cooperation and suggestions in connection with the best method of solving the important problem that we have had before us, and his disinterested willingness to furnish us with all information available concerning the various men from time to time under consideration. W e were greatly helped by the two committees above referred to, and by other members of the faculty. In fact w e have had the earnest cooperation of not only the people connected with our own University but also of the Presidents and leading men in m a n y other Universities of the country. W e further recommend that the salary of Dr. Chase as President befixedat $20,000.00 per year. Respectfully submitted, George A. Barr J. W. Armstrong Merle J. Trees Mary E. Busey Members of the Committee O n motion of M r . Barr, this report was adopted. DR. HARRY WOODBURN CHASE ELECTED PRESIDENT O n motion of M r . Barr, Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase was unanimously elected President of the University of Illinois, to serve on indefinite tenure, at the pleasure of the Board, at a salary of £20,000 a year (in addition to the use of the President's house and automobile), the term of service to begin before the opening of the next academic year, the exact time to be determined by the special committee of the Board in conference with President Kinley and Dr. Chase. O n motion of M r . Barr, the Secretary was directed to send a telegram to Dr. Chase notifying him of his election, to ask for a reply, and to print the reply in the minutes. The telegram was sent, and the following reply was received by the Secretary: H. E. Cunningham, Secretary, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: Please say to the Board of Trustees of University of Illinois that with full appreciation of the honor and in full confidence of the great opportunity at the University of Illinois I accept the election to its presidency. H. W. Chase VOTE OF THANKS TO COMMITTEES O n motion of Mrs. Evans, the Secretary was instructed to transmit to the committees of the Board, the Alumni, and the faculty which cooperated in the selection of a President of the University, an
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