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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

528 board of trustees [February ao expression of the thanks of the Board, and of its appreciation of the successful completion of their difficult task. O n motion of Mrs. Evans, the Board committee on the selection of a President of the University was continued, to take up such matters as m a y naturally come before this committee. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. ARCHITECT'S SERVICES, WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM (i) A recommendation from the Supervising Architect, in which I concur, that a bill from Mr. Charles A. Piatt for architectural services on the Woman's Gymnasium, amounting to $2023.96 (making a total to date of $7060.28), be paid from the state appropriation for the building, according to the contract with Mr. Piatt. This bill was approved for payment. PAVEMENT OF WRIGHT STREET (2) At the session of this meeting of the Board held February 5, 1930, in the presentation of a request for the pavement of Wright Street, made by city officials of Champaign, a statement was made by Attorney Earl C. Harrington of Champaign concerning an exchange of land between Champaign and the University in 1867 for the rectification of Wright Street at that time, the records of which exchange seem to be incomplete. The Board directed the President of the University to investigate the facts concerning this exchange of land and, i the facts warranted, to make a recommendation f to the Executive Committee in order to clear the title of the City of Champaign to the part of the street involved for street purposes. At m y suggestion the request of the officials of the City of Champaign was put in a more formal way through a letter which the Mayor kindly wrote as follows: February 13, 1930 To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Gentlemen: A petition has beenfiledwith the Board of Local Improvements of the city of Champaign, for the improvement and paving of South Wright Street from University Avenue to Armory Avenue. In pursuance of that petition, a public hearing was held before the Board of Local Improvements some days ago. The City Attorney of Champaign, upon examination and investigation of the public records concerning said street,findsthat sometime in the year 1867 the location of Wright Street was changed and apparently moved to the west about sixty-six (66) feet. H e further finds that the west sixty-six feet of the present street from University Avenue to Springfield Avenue, is comprised of certain lots which apparently were purchased by the University of Illinois and opened for street purposes when the street was relocated at that time. The records further show that a plat of Wright Street as relocated in 1867, is filed in the office of the Recorder of Champaign County, Illinois, in Book A at page 156, and certified to by J. M . Healey, the city engineer of Champaign at that time. That plat contains a notation that the lots above referred to, were bought by Illinois Industrial University and given by them for street purposes in exhange for a corresponding area of Wright Street as originally platted, and said plat shows the relocation and widening of Wright Street to its present width and in its present location. It is further found that so far as the records show, said street has been used uninterruptedly in its present condition from 1867 down to the present time. The City Attorney however, is unable tofindany public record of formal action taken by the Board of Trustees of Illinois Industrial, or the University of Illinois, with reference to the relocation of Wright Street as above mentioned or the use of said ground for street purposes. relocation of said street and the condition of that the Board ofwith reference some appropriate action to clarifyif proper request thethe action of theTrustees taketo theof W e would therefore respectfully to confirm public records Board of Trustees
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