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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
526 B O A R D O F trustees [February 20 Woodrow, H. W., Assistant in Chemistry, for five months beginning February 1, 1930, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred forty dollars ($140) a month (this superseding his previous appointment). (January 11, 1930) T h e Board adjourned, to m e e t at the call of the President of the Board. H. E. Cunningham J. W. Armstrong Secretary President ADJOURNED SESSION, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 When the Board met at 2 p.m. on Thursday, February 20, 1930, at the University, in Urbana, pursuant to adjournment, the following members were present: President Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Fisher, Mrs. Grigsby, Dr. Noble, Mr. Trees. President Kinley was present. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON PRESIDENT M r . Barr presented the following report. REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO M A K E INVESTIGATION AND RECOMMEND A PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS TO SUCCEED PRESIDENT DA VID KINLEY To the President and Members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your committee, heretofore appointed by the President of the Board, to carry on an investigation and to recommend a President to succeed President David Kinley, begs leave to report as follows: Shortly after your Committee was appointed, it was deemed advisable to have the assistance of a committee representing the Faculty of the University and a committee representing the Alumni of the University, to cooperate with the Committee of the Board. Accordingly the Senate of the University elected a committee of five members of the Faculty and the Alumni Association appointed a committee of three members. The committee elected by the Senate consisted of Professor E. H. Cameron, of the College of Education, Professor Roger Adams, of the Department of Chemistry, Dean H. W . Mumford, of the Agricultural Department, Professor Frederick Green, of the Law School, and Dean D. J. Davis, of the Medical School. Professor Cameron was named by the committee as its chairman. The Alumni Association elected a committee of three consisting of Robert F. Carr, as chairman, Charles S. Pillsbury, President of the Alumni Association, and United States Judge Fred L. W h a m . Both of these committees labored industriously in assisting the committee of the Board, attended several meetings of the three committees, called by the committee of the Board, assisted in obtaining the names of possible available men and in the investigation of those whose names came to the members of the three committees, gave fully of advice and helped in every way in the work of our committee. Your committee corresponded directly with many of the leading educators of this country, with the Presidents of most of the State Universities and other leading Universities of the country; and with other persons having the knowledge of University leaders, which would probably enable them to make suggestions that might be valuable. Some of the members of the Faculty Committee visited other Universities in connection with this investigation as did also the chairman of the Alumni Committee and the chairman and some of the members of the committee of the Board. Your committee carefully considered many men, including several members of our own Faculty. Conferences were held with most of these men and several of them visited due course oftimeUniversity.apparent University of of all by educational that In the campusofPresident. Dr. Chase wasto the membersNorth Carolina would makePresident Harry the it became a satisfactory Woodburn Chase of the highly recommended three committees
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