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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
45° board OF trustees [December 4 who, as was reported at the November meeting, sued the University for her salary for July and August, 1929. After some arguments the Court quashed the service in the action, being, evidently, of the opinion that it had no jurisdiction over the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. O n m o t i o n of M r . Trees, this report w a s received for record. THEFT OF MONEY FROM MILITARY DEPARTMENT (10) A report from the Supervising Architect, transmitting one from Lieutenant F. A. March, Adjutant of the Military Department and Supply Officer of the University, that sometime between 5:00 p.m. on November 5, when he left the office, and 9:00 a.m. on November 6, when he returned, a sum of money (amounting to $85) disappeared from the safe in the Commandant's Office in the Armory. About $30 of this amount was for the payment of enlisted men w h o m Lieutenant March had engaged for the Athletic Association to serve as traffic police on the day of the H o m e coming G a m e ; the other $55 was a reimbursement to him for a personal check which he had issued to pay for similar services of soldiers from Rantoul w h o m he had secured for traffic work. So there is no loss of University funds involved, since Lieutenant March is responsible for the payroll money and the balance was his own property. A n investigation was immediately started but there seemed to be no clues as to w h o might have taken the money. The investigation showed that the offices of the Military Department were not always locked when the employees left the building in the evening, so that the entire suite was open to any one w h o might be passing through the building between five and six o'clock in the evening. This, of course, has been corrected. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , this report w a s received for record. SUNDAY WORK IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY (21) A request from Professor Willard, concurred in by Assistant Dean Jordan, that two research assistants in mechanical engineering be permitted to make certain observations on Sundays in their work with the L o w Temperature Testing Plant in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory which needs to be run continuously and requires observations over long periods of time. I have authorized this work. T h i s report w a s received for record. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (22) The following report of gifts received by the University since the last report was made: From M r . James M . Cowan of Aurora, an oil painting, "Pikes Peak" by Ernest LawBon, N.A. The painting m a y be reasonably estimated at $1800 market value. From the Chemical Foundation to the Department of Chemistry, an offer to purchase for use in research work a quartz prism optical spectrograph valued at $1475. From Mr. Robert Allerton of Monticello, $800 for the continuation of the American Traveling Scholarships in Architecture during the current year. From Mrs. Lucy O r m e Morgan of Bloomington, certain historical manuscripts, including letters, newspapers, and a scrapbook of the Civil W a r period. From the American Can Company to the Department of Bacteriology for experimental purposes, five hundred empty tin cans for use in the Animal Room, and numerous cans of food for use in the Laboratory. I have authorized acceptance of these gifts. T h i s report w a s received for record. CONTRACTS AND PURCHASES (23) The following report from the Acting Comptroller of contracts and purchase orders of $1,000 or more executed since the last report was made: CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE ACTING COMPTROLLER NOVEMBER 7, 1929 TO NOVEMBER30, 1929 Minor contracts executed on special authorization of the Board of Trustees at meeting of November 15, 1929:
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