Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS OWNERSHIP OF PENNSYLVANIA OR MAPLE AVENUE 449 (14) A report from the Supervising Architect that he has had a survey made by Mr. E. E. Anderson, Civil Engineer in his office, showing the land acquisitions of the University in the South Half of Section 18. This survey shows that the so-called Gallivan Tract over-laps or extends over on University ground on Maple Avenue (which is the extension of Pennsylvania Avenue in Urbana west of Lincoln Avenue) 3.8 feet on its east side and 1.9 feet at its west side—an average of 2.85 feet throughout the width of the Addition of 555.2 feet. I request instructions as to informing the owners of the adjacent property and the officials of the City of Urbana concerning the limits of the University property. O n motion of M r . Trees, the President of the University w a s directed to notify the owners of the property a n d the City of U r b a n a , a n d to take all necessary steps to protect the rights of the University. REBATES ON SPECIAL. ASSESSMENTS (15) A report from the Acting Comptroller that he has received from the City of Champaign $2,254.09 in rebates on special assessments—$1,459.17 on the Fourth Street and $794.92 on the Armory Avenue assessment. H e reports further that he has been advised by the City Treasurer that there are not sufficient funds at present to make a rebate of $646.87 on account of the Scott Sanitary Sewer but that the City expects to be able to make payment about the first of the year. O n motion of M r . Barr, this report w a s received for record a n d the proper officers of the University were directed to follow u p such rebates a n d collect t h e m w h e n due. PURCHASE OF JONES PROPERTY (16) A report from the Acting Comptroller that in accordance with the action of the Board on September 18, 1929 (Minutes, page ,387) he has concluded the purchase of the Jones property for $9,000, the University to assume the taxes for the year 1929, due in 1930, and special assessments, i any. This property is described as follows: f Lot T w o (2) in Block T w o (2) in Burpee, Curtis, and Somers Addition of Out Lots to Urbana, except the East Seventy-seven (77) feet thereof. Lot Three ( 3 in Block Four (4) of Urbana Railroad Company's Addition to ,) Urbana, Illinois, except the North Sixteen (16) feet of said Lot Three (3). O n motion of M r . Trees, this report w a s received for record. REPORT ON DEFOREST PHONOF1LMS INC. CONTRACT (17) A report from the Legal Counsel that in accordance with the instructions of the Board at its meeting on November 15, he has sent by registered mail a notice to the General Talking Pictures Corporation that the contract between the University and the DeForest Phonofilms Incorporated will be in all things terminated thirty days after the receipt by them of said notice. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this report w a s received for record. CONTRACT WITH STATE BOARD OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION (18) A request from the State Board of Vocational Education that the University enter into two contracts with the Board; one for the instruction of six students during the year beginning September 16, 1929, and one for the instruction of two students for one year beginning February ,3, 1930. The Board agrees to pay all fees for these students upon presentation of bills for the same by the University. These contracts are of the same form and character as those which have been entered into in the past and I have authorized the Acting Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board to execute them for the University. O n motion of M r s . Busey, this action w a s confirmed. 9UIT AGAINST THE UNIVERSITY BY MRS. BERTHA KAPLAN SPECTOR (19) A report from the Legal Counsel that on November 22 he appeared in the Municipal Court of Chicago for the University in the case of Mrs. Bertha Kaplan Spector