Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] Name Illinois Bell Telephone Company UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 451 Date Item Terms November 7, 1929 Permission to install tele- The Company is to remove its phone pay station in N e w property upon 10 days* notice and Library is to make good all property damage. AMOUNTING ISSUED IN NOVEMBER PURCHASE ORDERS TO $1 000 OR MORE Vendor Item Amount Department Chicago Producers' Calves $S 500 00 Animal HusCommission Association bandry Automatic 1 528 42 University Cleveland Folding Machine Company Feeder Press Spectrograph 2 425 00 Physics C. A. Steinheil Sonne Grand Central Art Galleries Paintings 8 515 00 Art and Design Appropriation Made in r Procedure F Budget o Beef Cattle Station Open Quoted Quoted Quoted University Press Equipment Engineering Equipment Art Collection J E . MlLLIZEN . Acting Purchasing Agent This report was received for record. FUN OS FOR THE STUDY OF TOXINS OF STREPTOCOCCUS EPIDEMICUS (24) A report from Dean D. J. Davis that the Scientific Research Committee of the American Association of Medical Milk Commissions and the Board of Directors of the Certified Milk Producers Association of America has offered to grant him $3500 for a study of the toxins of the streptococcus epidemicus. In granting these funds, the Committee accepts the conditions and rules of the University covering research projects. Dean Davis recommends that this offer be accepted. I concur in his recommendation, and recommend further that the Comptroller and Secretary be authorized to execute the usual agreement covering this investigation. This agreement is of the form and character of other agreements heretofore approved by the Board. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , the execution of this a g r e e m e n t w a s authorized as r e c o m m e n d e d . SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE (25) Requests from the following members of the staff for sabbatical leaves of absence under the rules for the academic year 1930-31 for the purpose of study and travel abroad: Professor Ernest Bernbaum Professor Jacob Zeitlin Professor John A. Fairlie Associate Professor Ben E. Perry These requests are approved by Dean Babcock of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and I concur in the approval. O n m o t i o n of M r s . Grigsby, these leaves w e r e granted. AMENDMENT OF RULE GOVERNING PURCHASES (26) A t the last meeting of the Board I submitted a suggested a m e n d m e n t to Article 46 of the Extracts from the L a w s of the Board of Trustees, edition of December, 1926, page 35. After discussion I requested that the matter be held over for further study. I have again consulted our Legal Counsel and n o w r e c o m m e n d that said article be a m e n d e d as follows: C h a n g e the sentence reading, " B u t shall not d o so unless the records of the Board show that the purchase has been authorized and that an appropriation has been m a d e therefor b y the Board" to read as follows: " B u t shall not d o so unless the records of the Board show that a general or specific appropriation has been m a d e b y the Board to meet the same."