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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
410 board of trustees [October 10 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Agriculture Laurence Francis Berleman Donald William Hamilton Cecil Glenn Jones Rudolph Bennett Morgan In Floriculture Paul Robert Krone COLLEGE OF LAW Degree of Bachelor of Laws Herman Stuart Allen, A.B., Lombard Sam Morris Friedlander College, 1926 Earl Harry Gromer, A.B., 1928 Palmer Christopher Byrne. James Laurence McManus James Lewis Capel, A.B., 1927 Carroll Homer Nelson James Merle Crawford, B.S., 1928 Herbert Lloyd Porter Robert Benjamin Hoff Clarence Arthur Willard Degree of Doctor of Law Frederick Seaton Siebert, A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1923 SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM Degree of Bachelor of Science In Journalism Frank Ellsworth Schooley LIBRARY SCHOOL Degree of Bachelor of Science Julia Eleanor Blanchard, A.B., A.M., Wheaton College, 1899, 1904 Helen Dorothy Besuden, A.B., University o Cincinnati, 1925, with Honors f Edna Mary Johannaber, A.B., Central Wesleyan College, 1919 Jim P. Matthews, A.B., University o Arkansas, 1916, with Honors f Gladyce Ellen Scott, A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1927 Ada Young Regenos, A.B., Indiana Central College, 1924 Alberta Hughes, A.B., 1921, with Honors COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Certificates in Medicine Alfred Paul Klomhaus (As of July 1, 1929) Harold Edward Silverman (As of July 9 1929) , Paul Joseph Starcevich (As o July 26, 1929) f Elizabeth Webb Hill (As of July 30, 1929) Roosevelt Brooks (As of July 30, 1929) David Herstein (As o August 2, 1929) f Frances Almeda Cline (As of August 20, 1929) James Sloan Altman (As of September 20, 1929) Louis Clide Young (As of September 17, 1929) COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery William Charles Agster Samuel John Holappa Samuel Astrinsky Henri William Langheinz Sheldon Freear Bell O n motion of Mrs. Busey, these degrees were authorized.
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