Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science 409 In Education Anna Margaret Munch Luis Ernerto Adrian Arnillas Laura Bennet Nearpass Ned Barra Albert Joseph Nowacr Louise Ann Campbell Rose Louise Rixman Margaret Eugenia Cline Violet Kathryn Sauer Charles William Conrad David William Schoonmaker Margaret Elizabeth Eaton Vera Louise Seymour Leland Henry Fish Frank Slepicka Orin Flesh Bessie Aileen Specht Edith Frances Foley Verna Mae Spitzer James Cyril Gamble James Raymond Stewart Clarence Raymond Grogan Louise Elizabeth Stiegemeyer, with Edwin Arthur Hetzner Honors i German n Lena Biehl Higdon Kenneth Curtis Tate John Gustavus Honens Enos Barton Thornton Maurice Monroe Howe George Richard Trogdon John Frederick Kuhlemeyer Charles Thomas McCarrey In Industrial Harold Ballard Walker Education Mary Louise Wells Ruth Monroe Bonge Carl Carolyn MartinGilbert Henry Reynolds Alice Estella Wyles Ramon Roy Merrell In Music Education LennisMitchell Joan May Minton In Physical Education Thomas Mordicai Jenkins Leon Trimble COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Architecture Herschel G. A. Elarth Francis Daniel Hurley In Architectural Engineering Vernon Haven Noble In Civil Engineering Fred John Barjenbruch Arthur Robert Nieman Louis George Seiger Howard Eugene Wold In E e t i a Engineering lcrcl George Davidson Greene Robert James Stephenson Keron Caldwell Morrical Quentin Corot Vines William Barton Rice Hugh Donald Wear In General Engineering Daniel Roberts Brower, Jr. Irving Roswell Linnard William Lincoln Julian George Bruce McNair In Mechanical Engineering William Benjamin Greenwood Loring Phelps Jarman