Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 121 Department Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Bacteriology PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED IN DECEMBER AMOUNTING TO $1000 OR MORE Firm Rockford Machine Tool Company Brown & Sharp Mfg. Co. Description Amount Shaper, Motor, $1849.00 etc. Milling Machine 3119.00 2336.97 1087.50 1050.00 1281.02 1350.00 2477.00 3 zoo.00 1144.25 Coal Coal Plumbing Fixtures Coal Floor and wall cases Coal Chemicals Procedure Quoted Quoted Quoted' Quoted1 Quoted Quoted' Quoted' Quoted' Quoted Physical Plant Physical Plant Supervising Architect Physical Plant Reliable Coal & Mining Co. Museum of Natural Remington Rand Business History Service Physical Plant Electric Coal Company General Chemical General Chemical Company Stores 'Arranged by Mr. J. A. Morrow. '. American Professions Supply Company Peabody Coal Company Reliable Coal & Mining Company James B. Clow & Son Microscopes Competitive H. M. Edi A R D S W Purchasing Agent This report was received for record. FEE FOR CERTAIN COURSES IN FRENCH AND SPANISH (24) On recommendation of the Acting Head of the Department of Romance Languages, the Dean ( l o the Provost in t i case), and the Comptroller, I recommend as hs that a fee of fifty cents per semester be established for students registered in French 25 and Spanish 25 (courses for teachers, on methods of teaching French). O n motion of M r s . Evans, these fees were approved. ACCIDENT COMPENSATION FOR MEMBERS OF FACULTY ENGAGED IN EXTRA HAZARDOUS EMPLOYMENT (25) At the meeting of June 29, 1928 (Minutes, pages 751-3), the Board extended the policy of compensation for accidents to members of the faculty who may be injured when actually within the scope of their duties engaged in employment which by fair and reasonable construction can be regarded as extra hazardous. Since that meeting I have made inquiry and asked the opinions of the Deans, Directors, and other officers of the University to determine what courses of study and what classes of work might be so regarded. The opinions I have received indicate that so many courses of study and the work of so many departments involve some element of hazard, that it is difficult to draw distinctions. In view of these circumstances, I recommend that no special list of courses or departments be approved as coming within this extended policy, but that each case of accident be considered on its merits. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s adopted. LOCATION OF ALMA MATER GROUP (26) A statement concerning the location for the Alma Mater group by Mr. Lorado Taft, which was referred to a special committee. T h e committee w a s asked to renew its consideration of this matter and to report at the February meeting of the Board. BEHAVIOR INSTITUTE Mr. Trees, for the Special Committee to meet with representatives of the Trustees of the Behavior Institute (Minutes, N o v e m b e r 16, 1928, page 86) m a d e the following report. Your committee appointed to make a recommendation concerning the request of the Trustees of the Institute of Behavior for certain cooperative action, recom-