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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

120 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 9 C O M M I T T E E O N A C C O U N T A N C Y FINANCIAL S T A T E M E N T JULY 1,1927, TO J U N E 30, 1928 Receipts Business Office Balance, July 1, 1917 $19,103.17 Examination Fees $10,000.00 Less refunded fees 260.00 9,740.00 Sale of Questions 76.15 Less loss on bad check 1.25 75.00 Fees for duplicate certificates 10.00 Total Receipts $28,928.17 Expenses Payment to Board of Examiners and American Institute $ 2,327.71 Stenographic and Clerical 1,989.10 Printing and Publication 851 .08 Travel 245.76 Office Supplies and Equipment 130.05 Postage 147.00 Advertising 118.20 Telephone, Telegraph, Freight and Express 36.98 Total Expenditures $ 5,845.88 A d d Incumbrances Outstanding June 30, 1928 30' °5 Total Expenses $ 5,875.93 Balance on Hand, June 30, 1928 (Business O f c Records) fie $23,052.24 This report was received for record. COMPTROULER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (13) The following report from the Comptroller of contracts and purchase orders executed since the last report, amounting to $1,000 or more. CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER DECEMBER 6, 1928, TO JANUARY 4, 1929 Miscellaneous contract executed under general regulations. Name Amount Date Item Nelson Concrete Culvert Co. $6 106 November 17, 1028 Tile roof on Dairy Barns Lease contract executed under special authorization of the Board of Trustees in meeting, December 11, 1928, page 96. Leased from Property Rental Date Tenure American Can Co. CanClosdng $1.00 a year plus November 30,1928 December 31, 1928, to Machine $14.00insurance December 31, 1931 Contract executed under special authorization of the Board of Trustees in meeting, November 16, 1928, page 87. Name Amount Date Item A. W . Stoolman $1 914 80 November 27, 1928 Excavation and concrete work for Horticulture Greenhouse Addition Contracts executed under special authorization of the Board of Trustees in meeting, December 11, 1928, pages 94-6. Name Amount Date Item Rogers Printing Co. $6 800 December 22, 1928 Printing and Binding Annual Register Ciay Products Association of 6 000 December 18, 1928 Cooperative investigation of Chicago Clay Sewer Pipes Chicago Clay Products Association of 2 000 December 18, 1928 Clay Sewer jointing materials for Study Lloyd Moeey of Pipes Comptroller
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