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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Dace, F. E., degree, 265 Da Costa, D. N., degree, 6ji Dager, J. H., degree, 515 Dahlenberg, L. \L, appointments, 15, 316 Dahlgren, E. V., appointments, 202, 357 Daigh, F. C , degree, 620 Daigh, P- H „ degree, 626 Daines, H. C , C.P.A. certificate, 190 Daines, L. L., appointment, 108 Dairy Barn, appropriation, 7 contract, 49 Dairy buildings, old, sale, 550 Dairy cattle organisms, research, 54.9 Dairy Husbandry, appropriation, 562 balance appropriated, 39 budget, 347 expense, 343 salaries, 343 Dairy Manufactures Building, appropriation, 7 lightingfixtures,2S3 metal partitions, 284, refrigeration equipment, 339 screens, 283 shades, 2 84 Dale, C. S., property purchased, 273 sale of land, 296 Dale, H. L., degree, 254 Dallas, H. V., degree, 613 Dallera, M., appointment, 108 Dilton, C. E., appointment, 325 Dame, M., appointment, 364 Damron, M- E., degree, 608 Danforth, G. V., degree, 259 Daniel, R. I., degree, 611 Daniels, A. H., appointments, 329, 355 acting Dean, L, A. S., 397 salary adjustment, 9 Daniels, E., degree, 400 Daniels, E. G., degree, 63* Daniels, M . A., degree, 621 Danielson, C. B., degree, 247 Danielson, J. F., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Dann, M., degrees, 173, 193 Danziger, F., degree, 629 Dappert, A. A., degree, 247 D'Arcy, J. M-, appointment, 193 degree, 247 Darlington, R. L., degree, 247 Darnall, A. J., degree, 614 Darnell, R. C.» degree, 616 Datta, R. S., degree, 255 Davenport, E., appointment, 344 Davenport, G. L., appointment, 391 Davenport House, offer of purchase, 425 David, A. I., degree, 247 Davis, A. 612,actingappointment, 402 402 Davies,C. 106 A., 252 360 326, Davie, D. A., M., appointment, 448 Davidson, 625 G.,293,Dean, 14649 348 degree, J., degree, 359, 402 538 appointments,622 247, 538 degrees, B., appointments, 67, commission, Y., F, G. degree, 444 G. M., degree, 252 B. 250, degree, 612 E. E., degree* 613 L. P. 62$ E. M., degree, 608 C. F. appointmeat, D. W., appointment, J. degree, 259 MA,, E., M., T., 620 659 Davis, G. V., appointment, 509 Davis, H. I., appointment, 389 Davis, H. L., appointment, 402 Davis, I., degree, 444 Davis, I. W., degree, 251 Davis, J. EM degree, 257 Davis, J. K-, appointment, 193 Davis, L. K., degree, 623 Davis, M., appointment, 202 Davis, M . M., degree, 259 Davis, M . R., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Davis, M ^ V., appointments, 67, 364 Davis, R. L., appointment, 329 Davis Co., E. E., contract, 569 Davison, A. K., degree, 261 Davison, C , appointment, 390 professor emeritus, 505 Davison, C. L., degree, 267 Davison, D. M., degree, 608 Davison, M., appointment, 448 Davison, P. H., degree, 618 Davisson, R. M., leave of absence, 122 Dawley, W . A., degree, 431 Dawson, W . M., scholarship, 222 Day, H. W., Experiment Station report, 133 Day, L. I., degree, 608 Day, V. S., appointment, 342 Day, W . B., appointment, 364 Deames, M . D., degree, 608 Dean, E. H., degree, 620 Dean, P. V., degree, 258 Dean of Men, budget, 317 Dean of Women, budget, 317 office appropriation, 9 Deane, H. A., degree, 611 Dcarmin, W . F., degrees, 251, 261 Death benefits, W . Fogarty Estate, 519 Eric Frobcrg, 637 Ralph Pritchard, 459 Death benefits and retiring allowances, amendments, 525, 634, 642 beneficiaries designated, 572 interpretation of rule, 291 policy, 222 reports, 102, 116, 128 term appointees, 601 time of retiring, 237 special cases, 508 Debating, appropriation, 487 DeBaun, H., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Debevoise, N . C , degree, 608 scholarship, 584 DeBruine, H., appointments, 331, 377 Decker, B. M., degree, 608 DeForest H.A„, degree,degree, 108, Dees, A.R.356B.,appointment,498 327, DeCoursey,262 A.,appointment, 339 522 DeCook,H.CJ.E.,degree,contract(93 438 DeClerc,E.251S.,appointment,618with,351 Decker,T..L.C,R.,degree,514 516 341 463 DeGrazk), H-,degree, 444 Degler, DeFreitas, G.,appointment, Deetz, Deen, W Phonofilma, 624 Deem, D. H.C-,.223degree,252 15 Dedrick, S.L.,W 584appointment, 356 DeFur, scholarship, appointments, salary, T\, degree, committee, degree, W., C.P.A. 258 fellowship,E., J.,
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