UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 661]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Craw, E. C , appointment, 67 Craw, R. B., degree, 258 Crawford, C. C , appointment, 325 Crawford, C, L., degree, 618 Crawford, C. W., appointment, 347 Crawford, J. D., appointment, 328 Crawford, P. M., degree, 262 Crawford, V. M., degree, 608 Crean, C. L., degree, 629 Creek, F. M., degree, 619 Creek, L. W „ degree, 631 Crile, D. R. W., appointments, 108, 391, 448 Crimmins, B. R., degree, 253 Crink, E. S., degree, 622 Crink, M . E., degree, 608 Crisler, A. E., degree, 608 Crissey, K., degree, 247 Crittenden, T. E., degree, 399 Croft, H. O., appointment, 339 Croll, H. A., degree, 255 Croll, H. M-, appointments, 109, 349* 35* Cronwell, B. J., Jr., degree, 629 Cronweil, J. I., degree, 253 Cronwell, S. S.,degree, 255 Cross, H., appointment, 338 Crossett, R. G., commission, 261 degree, 256 Crossett, R- J., degree, 256 Crossland, C. M., appointment, 498 Crossman, A, M., appointment, 341 Crossman, R. S-, degrees, 264, 339, 521 Croason, E. C , degree, 80 Crouch, I., degree, 257 Crouch, K. G., degree, 252 Crouch, W . M., appointment, 323 Crouse, L., degree, 174 Crow, R. N., degrees, 268, 444 Crowder, F., appointment, 470 commission, 622 degree, 613 Crown, A., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Croxton, W . C , appointments, 323, 377 Crucibles, theft of, 507 Crum, F. B., degree, 106 Crummer, W , F., commission, 622 degree, 613 Cullen, E. B,, degree, 608 Culler, E. A-, appointments, 329, 402 Culp, N. G., C.P.A, certificate, 44 Culp, R. A., degree, 255 Culver, H., appointment, 391 Cumback, P. W., appointment, 108 Cummings, H. H., commission, 261 degree, 259 Cummings, M . L., degree, 262 Cuyugan, D.,H, degree, «$3» 600 Cutler, C, 347 WMrs.appointment, Custer,H. Secretary, L.613 317 Cushman, H. of583L.,184,267184, Cushing,C.J,change, medical,388 538 Curts, D. 639S., signature,259618 542 330, 429 Cunningham,,L.,degree,42954279 231,315, 318 67, Cuthbertson, E.,E., degree, appointments, Curry, E. G., R. Cdegree, 252 Curran,E. B., L. appointments,252 CurriculumJ. degree, degree, Cummins, E., F., Jr.,appointments, elected P., appointment, delegationAt.,. K., degree, music, C degree, 252 scholarship, degree, 247 166, B., appointment, F. , M.,

Corbett, C, E., degree, 173 Corbin, E. B., appointment, 340 Corbin, H. M., degree, 612 Corbin, L. H., degree, 618 Corbin, R. M., appointment, 193 degree, 263 Core, N. E., degree, 247 Corey, S- M., scholarship, 584 Corley, J. P., degree, 608 Cornbleet, T., appointment, 585 Corn well, L. S., appointment, 350 Corray, F. H.( degree, 620 Corrie, C. B., degree, 620 Corrie, H. B., degree, 257 Corrigan, B. C , degree, 252 Corsa, W . S-, appointments, 49, 460 Corwin, R. W., degree, 619 Corydon, A. E., degree, 613 Cosgrove, H, G., degree, 513 Cotham, E. R., degree, 615 Cottage, Agronomy, 82 for sheep herdsman, 118 Cotter, J. R., appointment, 67 Cottingnam, C. E., degree, 613 Cottle, J. A., degree, 615 Cottle, S., appointment, 67 Couch, H. M., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Coughlin, F. C-, degree, 79 Coughlin, W . HM degree, 613 Coulson,F.C, appointments, 108, 193,324,402 degree, 625 Coulson, J. R., appointments, 324, 553 Coulter, D. M., degree, 430 Countisa, J. B., degree, 257 Court bills, suit of Temple Brothers, 171 Cover, M . M., appointments, 108, 393, 402 Covinsky, H., degree, 632 Cowan, R. B., degree, 613 Cowart, R., appointment, 402 Cowgill, C. H., degree, 265 Cox, D. E., degree, 247 Cox, E. F., degree, 629 Cox, F. W., appointments, 201, 327 Cox, G. J., appointments, 200, 26s, 3^4, 521 Cox, H. C , degree, 619 Cox, R. B., degree, 257 Cox, R. D., degree, 255 Cox, R. F., appointment, 448 degree, 616 Coyle, E. J., degree, 258 Coyner, C. C., degree, 252 C.P.A. Act, 291, £59 Set also under Accountancy C.P.A. certificates, 44, 190, 398, 638 Crabbs, H. E., degree, 608 Crandall,G-J.K.appointment,266, 28 359 523 Crathorne,C-,S.,appointment,67, 629 402 Craven,J. A.,S»,io2degrees, 255 326, Crane, E. .CA. P., degree, 635350 Crabtree, C.D»,degree,173 622346 328, Craver,R. L., degrees, 80 Crain, C. F., degree, 629 448 Craig, O. E.,,635 appointments, 346 Crammond,F.,appointments, 3 Cramer,N.M.,degree, 251, 244* Craft, F. H., R., appointment, Craig, J- 625 223 honorarium, aegree,399 degree, 613 degree,258 retirement, retirement, scholarship, GM M C0., appointment, P. E., A. L., , 617 624 250