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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1926] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 643 who shall be in the employment of, and active service for the University at the time for retirement as hereinafter provided, a part of the compensation for their services shall be paid in the value of retiring allowances to be provided or secured for, or paid to, them by the Board of Trustees, in the following amounts and under the following conditions, to-wit: (b) Upon retirement there shall be paid to the member retiring, during his life, an amount equal to twenty-five per cent of the average cash portion of compensation which has been paid to him during the last five years prior to retirement, together with one per cent of such average amount additional for each year of his service at the University of Illinois; the maximum payment, however, not to exceed onehalf of such average amount. Provided, however, that no retiring allowance shall be paid in excess of $6,000 per year to a President of the University, $4,000 to a dean, and $3,000 to other members. In case a member of the staff retired under these rules has been on leave of absence on half pay under the University regulations in any one of the five years preceding his retirement, or for part of any one of the five years, the full salary rate for the year of absence shall be taken in computing the average of the cash compensation of the five years on the basis of which the allowance is determined. In the case of a member who has been absent in any one of the five years, or part of any one of said five years, without salary, absence having been with the approval of the Board of Trustees, the salary received for the year preceding the year of absence shall be the amount used for the cash compensation in the year of absence for the purpose of computing the average cash compensation for the five years 4. As the additional compensation in death benefits and retiring allowances herein provided is to be paid to secure the stability and permanency of said faculty and staff; therefore, all rights and claims of any member of said faculty and staff in or to death and disability benefits and retiring allowances, are forfeited, and shall cease, with the termination of service of such member for the University, whether such termination is voluntary or otherwise. For the purposes of this scheme of retiring allowances, members of the faculty or staff employed in successive academic years or on other term appointment shall be held to be in continuous employment even though their cash compensation i paid in or for less than s twelve months of any academic year. On motion of Dr. Noble, these amendments were approved and adopted. M r . W h a m , for the c o m m i t t e e to consider the a m o u n t of allowance for Professors Barton, G o e b e l , a n d H a r k e r , a n n o u n c e d that a report w o u l d b e m a d e at the July meeting. O n m o t i o n of M r . Barr, the r e c o m m e n d a t i o n of the President of the University that certain persons b e retired o n allowance as of Sept e m b e r 1, 1926 (see p a g e 6 3 5 ) , w a s adopted. REGULATION OF TUTORING Mrs. Grigsby, for the Committee on Instruction, announced that the Committee expected to make a report on the proposed regulation on tutoring at the July meeting. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. APPOINTMENT OF MRS. ETHEL C. WATERBURY (1) A recommendation that Mrs. Ethel C. Waterbury be appointed Social Director of the Woman's Residence Hall during the summer session of 1926 at a compensa-
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