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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

468 board of trustees [November 19 Expenses Payment to Board of Examiners and Institute.... $1,847.00 Stenographic and Clerical 1,48345 Printing 53°-93 Travel 275.07 Office Supplies and Equipment 107.74 Postage 26.00 Advertising 83.25 Telephone and Telegraph; Freight and Express.. • • 38.55 Total Expenditures £4,391.99 £4,391.99 Less items not on Business Office Records.... 47.29 4.344-7° £17,018.98 Less: •Charge on Business Office record for Typewriter (error) 44.00 Charge for one book not paid June 30, 1925... i.ag 45-25 Balance on Hand June 30, 1925 (B.O. Records) £16,973.73 Respectfully submitted, Maurice H. Robinson, Chairman William E. Britton G. P. Tuttle, Secretary University Committee on Accountancy This report was received for record. PLYM FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE (17) On nomination of the Head of the Department of Architecture and the Dean of the College of Engineering, I requested the following gentlemen to serve on the Plym Fellowship Committee for the year 1925-26: Mr. Harry B. Wheelock, President Chicago Chapter, American Institute of Architects Mr. J. C. Llewellyn Mr. Alfred H. Grainger Mr. Howard L. Cheney Professor L. H. Provine is also a member of this committee ex officio. They have all accepted. This report was received for record. CARTER ESTATE (18) A report concerning the Carter Estate and the Carter-Pennell Trust. This report w a s received for record. PARR PROCESS Mr. Armstrong made a report on the progress of the negotiations for the sale of the University's interests in the Parr process. N o action was taken in this matter. BASEBALL GRANDSTAND Mrs. Ickes presented the following report of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds: *The charge should have been made against the Entrance Examination Fund and the charge to that Fund has now been made. 10-28-25.
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