Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 285 CHAIRS FOR NEW LIBRARY (8) A schedule of bids on chairs for the new Library. SCHEDULE OF BIDS Firm Manufacturer of Chair Price F. 0. B. C. A. Kiler P. Derby and Company $10.63 each Installed G. C. Willis Johnson Chair Company 10.65 each Champaign Bailey and Himes Milwaukee Chair Co. No. 212 W . 10.78 each Champaign Milwaukee Chair Co., No. 272 W . 9.65 each Champaign Newton and Hoit Co.. .Johnson Chair Company 9.50 each Installed Milwaukee Chair Co., No. 212 W . 11.25 each Installed Twin City Printing Co.. Taylor Chair Company 11.25 eacn Champaign The Supervising Architect recommends that the contract be awarded to Bailey and Himes for the Milwaukee No. 212 W chair, because after due consideration it has been decided that this chair is the one best suited for the purpose intended. I concur. O n motion of M r . Trees, this contract w a s awarded as recommended. TABLET ARM CHAIRS FOR THE NEW COMMERCE BUILDING (9) A schedule of bids on tablet arm chairs for the new Commerce building. SCHEDULE OF BIDS Firm Price F. 0. B. American Seating Company $6.25 each Installed Bailey and Himes (Heywood-Wakefield Company) 6.68 each Installed A. H. Andrews Company 5.58 each Installed The Supervising Architect recommends that the contract be given to the American Seating Company, based on price as related to the quality of the chairs. Samples of each were examined and that of A. H. Andrews Company eliminated as unsatisfactory. The others we consider 0/ equal quality and either would be suitable. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r s . Busey, this contract was awarded as recommended. LINOLEUM FOR NEW BUILDINGS (10) A schedule of bids on the linoleum for the new buildings. SCHEDULE OF BIDS (Yardage basis) Firm Mfgr. of Linoleum 3/16" Brown "A" Battleship " A " Jaspe Mandel Bros Armstrong Cork & L. Co 2.6i# 2.26^ 2.54^ (Bird's Felt) MandelBros Armstrong Cork & L. Co i-57# 2.22^ 2.50^ (Mandel's Felt) MandelBros Jas.Wild&Co 2J5J< 2.22 2.44K (Bird's Felt) MandelBros J as. Wild & Co 2.51^ 2.18 2.40X (Mandel's Felt) Jahn V. Farwell Co Armstrong Cork & L. Co 2.67}^ 2.32^ 2.60 Carson, Pirie, Scott Armstrong Cork & L. Co 2.52^ 2.i7# 2-47K O. W . Richardson & Co. (No unit prices but seems about lj^ cents less than Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.) 2.45 Marshall Field & Co 2.59^ a.30 1.59*4 C.A.Kiler Jas. Wild & Co 2.27 1.86 a.13 F. K. Robeson Jas. Wild & Co 2.40 2.30 McDermott Bros Bid rec'd late 2.40 2.00 2.10