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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
136 board of trustees [December 13, it being understood, of course, that the proceedings shall follow our usual practice in the securing of an abstract, securing the approval of the title by our Legal Counsel, and such other steps as are necessary. 2. That the sum of $i6,oco, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be appropriated from the $25,000 appropriated by the Legislature for a Cook County Truck Experiment Farm, for the purchase of this land. 3. That the budget submitted above for the expenditure of the $25,000 appropriated for this purpose be approved, the item of mileage being subject to the approval of the President of the University. O n motion of M r . Trimble these recommendations were approved, and the Executive C o m m i t t e e w a s authorized a n d directed to examine this land a n d to order the purchase if they found it suitable. T h e appropriation w a s m a d e b y the following vote: A y e , M r . A r m strong, M r s . Blake, M r s . Busey, M r s . E v a n s , M r s . Grigsby, M r . Noble, M r . Trees, M r . Trimble; no, none; absent, M r . Blair, M r s . Ickes, M r . Small. APPROPRIATION FOR TREES AND OTHER PLANTING (13) Professor White states that it is desirable to plant trees around the Stadium and to do certain other planting at the north end of it as soon as possible. He states that $4,000 will be necessary for this, and I recommend an appropriation of this amount for this purpose from the Reserve and Contingent Fund. O n motion of M r s . Blake, this appropriation w a s m a d e , b y the following vote: A y e , M r . Armstrong, M r s . Blake, M r s . Busey, M r s . Evans, M r s . Grigsby, M r . Noble, M r . Trees, M r . Trimble; no, none; absent, M r . Blair, M r s . Ickes, M r . Small. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION IN PHARMACY (14) The University Senate has approved a recommendation of the faculty of the School of Pharmacy, that, beginning with the entering class in the session of 1925-26, the minimum requirements for graduation from the University of Illinois School of Pharmacy shall be three years of instruction through thirty-two weeks in each year in accordance with a program of study given below. The Senate recommends this action for approval. Inasmuch as this action is in line with the general understanding, that the Pharmacy program was to be changed in this way and since we are making provision therefor, I request approval as recommended with the understanding that, within the limits of the total educational requirement set forth in the curriculum, the faculty and Senate be at liberty to make such modifications from time to time as educational necessities require. The program follows: DEPARTMENT OF MATERIA MEDICA AND BOTANY First Year First Semester 1. General Botany.—2 lectures, 1 recitation, and 1 laboratory period of 1 hour each week. (3 semester hours, 4 clock hours). 2. Plant Histology.—1 laboratory period of 3 hours each week, (1 semester hour, 3 clock hours). 3. Physiology and Hygiene.—2 lectures, 1 recitation each week. (3 semester hours, 3 clock hours). Second Semester 4. Materia Medica.—2 lectures and 1 recitation each week. (3 semester hours, 3 clock hours). 5. Plant Histology.—1 lecture or recitation and I laboratory period of 3 hours each week. (2 semester hours, 4 clock hours).
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