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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1922] 90 92 93 95 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1.50 5° »-5° i-oo 3 Entomology Introductory Entomology—1 , $1.00 General Entomology—2 1.00 Entomology 22 ^ 1.50 Entomology 12 I.SO Entomology 14 1.50 Entomology 107 1.50 Farm Mechanics Farm Mechanics 1 $2.50 Farm Mechanics 3 2.00 Farm Mechanics 19 i and j 8.00 Farm Mechanics 20 1.50 Farm Mechanics 28 2.50 Home Economics Home Economics 5 $4.00 Mechanical Engineering M.E. 71 $3.00 73 2-50 77 350 79 2.00 81 300 These fees were approved. RESIGNATION O F D E A N O F C O L L E G E O F L A W (6) Dean H. C. Jones, of the College of Law, on June 30 wrote me: "I hereby resign as Professor of Law and Dean of the College of Law, effective September 1, 1922." I accepted this resignation andreportmy action for record. This report was received for record. APPOINTMENT OF PEAN A. J. HARNO (7) A recommendation that Professor > A.. Ji Harno be appointed Dean of the College of Law, for one year, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of six thousand dollars. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this appointment was m a d e . APPOINTMENT OF DEAN KETCHUM (8) A report that, by authority of the Executive Committee, the President of the University had appointed Professor Milo S. Ketchum to succeed Dean Richards as Dean of the College of Engineering and Director of the Engineering Experiment Station, at a salary of $8,000 a year, beginning September 1, 1922. This report was received for record. HALF-TIME A P P O I N T M E N T O N L E A V E O F A B S E N C E F O R P R O F E S S O R . J. A- D E T L E F S E N (9) A recommendation that Dr. J. A. Detlefsen, Professor of Genetics in the Department of Animal Husbandry, whose present appointment expires August 31, 1922, be given an appointment for one year, beginning September 1, 1922, at onehalf his present salary, on leave of absence, this to conclude his services with the University, in recognition of his ten years' service without a break. O n motion of M r - Trimble, this recommendation was concurred in.
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