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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

88 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 15 Amendment to Agreement with the Flightstar Corporation, Willard Airport (7) Because of the recession and associated problems which developed throughout the general aviation industry in 1991, Flightstar Corporation, a fixed-base operator conducting business at Willard Airport, began to experience difficulty in complying with the terms established in the 1989 amendment to their agreement with the University; this amendment provided that Flightstar would make an annual payment to the University of $112,062. (The agreement between the University and Flightstar provides for lease of two hangars, fuel storage, and auto parking.) At their meeting on November 14, 1991, the Board of Trustees approved a further amendment of the agreement with Flightstar which set the amount of annual payment at $69,900 for the period July 1, 1991, through December 31, 1992. Flightstar, a full-service fixed-base operator (FBO), provides services which include maintenance and service for commercial, general aviation, and business aircraft; aircraft charter service; line service (refueling) for all commercial, general aviation, and business aircraft; aircraft sales; hanger space for general aviation and business aircraft; aircraft tie-down space for transit aircraft; a lounge facility for transit pilots; baggage handling for commercial aircraft; and refresher training for pilots. Flightstar has continued to provide outstanding service to the general aviation and business aviation components at the University of Illinois-Willard Airport. Customer service reports, which assess the quality of service by Flightstar, consistently have been excellent to superior. Given the continuation of depressed economic conditions in the general aviation industry and at Willard Airport, it is judged to be in the best interests of the University and of the community to extend the authorization for Flightstar's annual payment at the $69,900 level for an additional 12 months ending December 31, 1993. The chancellor at Urbana and the vice president for business and finance recommend that the comptroller and secretary be authorized to execute an amendment to the agreement as described above. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Gravenhorst, this recommendation was approved. (Mrs. Calder asked to be recorded as not voting on this item.) Willard Airport New General Aviation Runway, Urbana (8) On February 13, 1992, the board authorized the employment of Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc., consulting engineers, of Springfield, to develop plans, specifications, and contract documents for a new general aviation runway (3500 feet by 75 feet) parallel to the existing primary runway. That work has been completed. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Illinois Department of Transportation (I DOT) Division of Aeronautics have requested that the University submit an application for funds to construct the new runway and connecting taxiways using Fiscal Year 1993, FY94, and FY95 entitlement funds. The purpose of the new runway is to enhance airport capacity and safety by transferring most flight training activity off the primary runway. The project was recommended in the 1985 Airport Master Plan Update and the 1991 Airport Layout Plan revision, both of which have been approved by the FAA and the board. In the event discretionary funds become available, they will be used to accelerate construction. The estimated cost of the project is $2,300,000. FAA would provide 90 percent ($2,070,000) of the cost. The remaining 10 percent ($270,000) would be provided by IDOT. FAA representatives recommend that this application be submitted concurrently with applications for airfield signage and a computer-controlled access system (approved by the board, November 14, 1991) to enhance the probability of attracting
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