Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1992] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 89 discretionary funds. Additionally, the FAA recommended that the application for the access system be increased from $180,000 to $300,000 to reflect revisions in FAA requirements. The chancellor at Urbana and the vice president for business and finance recommend that the University apply for Federal and State funding for a multi-year grant to construct, light, and mark new general aviation runway 14R/32L and connecting taxiways, and that the University increase the application for signage and access system as stated. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Gravenhorst, this recommendation was approved. (Mrs. Calder asked to be recorded as not voting on this item.) By consensus, the board agreed that one roll call vote would be taken and considered the vote on each agenda item nos. 9 through 18 inclusive. The recommendations were individually discussed but acted upon at one time. (The record of board action appears at the end of each item.) Contracts, Sigmund E. Edelstone Medical Student Center, College of Medicine West, Chicago (9) Funds from the Sigmund Edelstone Trust were committed in December 1991 to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the purpose of remodeling space in the College of Medicine West building in Chicago to be utilized for a student lounge. The president of the University, with the concurrence of the appropriate administrative officers, now recommends award of the following contracts for remodeling the basement area in the College of Medicine West for an approximately 9,000 square foot student center at the Chicago campus. The award in each case is to the lowest responsible bidder on its base bid plus acceptance of the indicated alternates. Division I — General E. W. Corrigan Construction Company, Oak Brook Base Bid Alt. #1 Alt. #3 Alt. #4 Alt. #5 $558 15 -16 -5 -1 921 611 000 000 800 $551 732 Division II — Plumbing Bert C. Young & Sons Corp., Bellwood Division III — Heating, Piping, Refrigeration, and Temperature Control Oak Brook Mechanical Services, Inc., Elmhurst Division TV — Ventilation and Air Distribution R. J. Olmen Company, Glenview Base Bid 34 900 Base Bid 104 000 Base Bid 72 420